Billy Hargrove X Reader - Dreams

Start from the beginning

You quickly stubbed out the cigarette, getting to your feet and causing him to stumble back onto the carpet. 

"Woah," he murmured, looking up at you with furrowed brows and a small frown. "What's going on?" 

"Nothing," you bit, probably a little too quickly for it to sound convincing, as you moved over to your bed, rearranging the pillows in an attempt to distract yourself. 

"Right," he hummed, still watching you carefully from his spot on the floor. "Could've given me a warning," he added, falling back until he was laying completely flat against the carpet. "Almost wiped me out," he pressed on, waiting for you to say something, anything, to confirm that you were actually listening to him. "Do you want me to leave you alone?"

Your eyes darted over to him for a second, finding him already watching you. "No," you murmured, clearing your throat slightly. 

"Then will you please tell me what's wrong?"

Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip. "Nothing's wrong-"

"Quit lying to me, Y/N," he interrupted, finally pushing himself up to his feet. "I'm not an idiot, alright? You're clearly upset about something. Did I do something-"

"No, you didn't-"

"Did someone else do something?"

You hesitated for a moment before shaking your head. "It's me, okay? I'm upset with me."

His brow furrowed, reaching out his arm as if he wanted to comfort you, only to pull back when you shook your head. "Why're you upset with yourself?"

"Because I'm so fucking stupid-"

"You are not stupid," he interrupted, finally caving and catching your elbow to draw you into a hug. "You aren't-"

"Yes, I am."

He stayed quiet for a moment, taking in a deep breath. "How?" When you didn't answer, he pulled back, using one hand to tip your chin up so that you had to look him in the eye. "How are you stupid? You get good grades. You know all sorts of shit I don't know-"

"Because I'm in love with someone that I shouldn't be in love with." For a second, you could've sworn you saw pain flash across Billy's features, and then he was back to normal, forcing a little half smile for you.

"Who's the lucky guy?"

You shook your head. "It doesn't matter. I can't tell him."

"Why not?"

"Because that'd be unfair on him. Because he'd feel like he had to do something about it. Because-" you paused, the words trailing off before you could say them. "Because he doesn't love me back."

Billy's smile was completely gone as you finished speaking, his head shaking. "What sort of asshole could ever not love you, huh?" He paused for a second when you still didn't answer. "You're sweet. And funny. And so pretty," he paused again, shrugging slightly. "You're the most understanding person I've ever met and you go out of your way to help me, even though I probably don't deserve it. Any guy would be lucky to have even an ounce of your attention, alright? So if this guy doesn't like you back then he's the idiot, not you."

You bit down on your bottom lip, your eyes flooding with tears. 

"Oh, Sweetheart," he hummed, drawing you back against his chest. 

"It's you," you sobbed, your words all muffled by his t-shirt.

"What's me?" Billy paused for a second, his hand still pressing your head to his chest. "Wait, it's me?" You nodded against him. "Who the fuck told you that I don't love you back, huh?" 

You went completely still against him. "What?"

"Sweetheart, I have been in love with you from day one. You had that icepack pressed to my eye and you looked so pretty and you were being so nice. What idiot wouldn't fall in love with you?"

You pulled back, looking up at him in confusion. 

"I am so in love with you, Baby. Like, so much that it's a bit concerning, okay? So, don't you ever start thinking that you're on your own in this." 

There was a moment of hesitation as you stared up at him. "You aren't just saying that to make me feel better?"

Billy leant down, pressing a kiss to your lips, his hand cupping the side of your head to draw you closer. As he pulled back, his eyes found you. "Day one," he repeated softly. "I've wanted to do that since day one."

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