24 to 25 ☁️

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It was the late afternoon of the 25th of December and you still hadn't finished making your Christmas dinner. Meatloaf was taking forever to get ready in the oven...

'Must be the weak electricity...' you thought as you closed the door of the oven after checking on the meat for the 10th time that day. Your thoughts tried to be logical and calm your nerves - the whole world was using an unmeasurable amount of electricity for Christmas decorations or to cook food.

It was close to 6 PM and you were getting nervous. Everything else was ready except for the darned meatloaf. And he will be home from work any minute...

'Maybe I made it too thick...?' you bit your nail, crouching down to look at the big piece of minced meat wrapped in aluminum foil.

The smell was absolutely mouth-watering, and your stomach reacted by grumbling loudly. You shook your head and stood up, walking away from the oven to stop yourself from ogling at the food any longer. You were saving your stomach for dinner, "starving yourself" for the whole day by taking small bites of toast and drinking water.

Just when you exited the kitchen, the entrance door opened, letting in a dash of cold winter air inside. A man in a long winter coat came in, shivering and shaking the fluffy snowflakes off of his body.

"Hello there, handsome," you smiled, leaning on the wall and just watching him stomp on the doormat in order to take the snow off of his shiny shoes.

He looked up at you, mouth agape and eyes wide as if he just saw a ghost - it was the terror of winter that made him construct such a facial expression. His cheeks and nose were red, showing just how freezing cold it was outside. Seeing you, he smiled, shivering again and bringing his hands to his mouth to blow hot air in them, rubbing the palms together right after.

"Brrr, it's so cold..." he shivered cutely one more time.

He was still fully dressed so you stepped down to help him take off his coat. He smiled as you held the wool coat and slid it down his arms. You then put it on a hanger and turned to brush off the remaining snowflakes of his brown hair.

"Thanks, love," he turned to you and leaned closer, but you put your hands up, blocking his face from touching yours.

"Nope, you're too cold," you giggled, taking a step back and seeing him pout.

"What must a man do to get a kiss from his wife around here?!" he shouted, looking up at the ceiling as if he was confessing his worries to God.

You laughed at his fake anger and hopped onto the first step of the hallway staircase, turning to him again, "For starters, this husband can take off his shoes, go take a warm shower, and change into new clothes," you talked and he pouted again but then tilted his head up, puckering his lips and sniffing.

"Something smells good," he commented and you gasped.

"OUR DINNER!" you shouted, rushing back into the kitchen.

It was as if the oven waited for you to be out of the room so that it can burn the meat... Thankfully, you pulled the tray out and, peeling off the foil, saw a delicious sizzling piece of meat wrapped in bacon. Your stomach growled again and you pushed the tray back into the oven, lowering the temperature just so that the bacon can become delicious and crispy.

"One of these days, you're gonna burn the house down..." you heard his voice and turned, frowning at the laughing man who stood at the door. 

He was just standing there, his white dress shirt sleeves rolled up, arms crossed, and laughed. The sight of him wiped the frown off your face - how can someone be mad at him while he looked so wonderful, laughing to his heart's content??? There was no way that was possible!

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