Going To The Past

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On top of the Eiffel Tower stood two people and one of them was holding Rena Rouge by her throat and they were putting pressure on it then a crack was heard as they broke Rena's neck then threw her dead body down to the ground for the heroes to see as Rena hit the ground with a thump then an orange light appeared and in Rena's spot was Alya who had blood coming out of her head.

"Alya!" Carapace shouted with tears going down his face as he was being held back by King Monkey and Minotarux

"Nino you can't do anything she's dead and these two would kill you if they get their hands on you." King Monkey said

"I don't care I can't let the mother of my children be dead Kim, how would Ondine feel if you died while fighting those two?" Carapace asked

"She would be devasted and she would be like you and want revenge as well but we got to think this though so us three can get revenge against them." King Monkey said

"Then let's retreat and talk to the others about a new plan." Minotarux said as they went to an abandoned warehouse where the others were hiding out along with Ladybug and Chat Noir

"What are we going to do a direct attack didn't work and they killed Alya and possibly the Fox Miraculous?" Vesperia asked

"They don't have the Fox Miraculous since Trixx grabbed the Miraculous and retreated back here so those two don't grab it." Ladybug said as Trixx appeared and dropped the Miraculous in her hand

"What are we going to do now that we lost our Master illusionist." Polymouse asked

"There is one option that I can try but it's dangerous and it would affect the future if I did. Ladybug said

"And that would be?" Carapace asked

"By going back to the past and reliving it all over again." Ladybug said

"Are you sure that's wise Milady, if you went through all that again your PTSD will be even worse than it is now." Chat said to his wife

"That's why you're coming with me as well Chat, I need someone who can help me deal with my PTSD." Ladybug said to her husband

"What does this spell do exactly?" Vesperia asked

"This spell will take me and one person to the past with our memories of what happened in the future." Ladybug said

"Can you alter the spell so Gabriel Agreste isn't Hawk Moth anymore?" Pegasus asked which made Ladybug look down

"I wish it was that simple but it can't do that." Ladybug said

"So you two will have to deal with our akumatized forms again." Carapace said which made Ladybug nod her head

"Sorry you two have to go through that again." Viperion said

"I know but for this spell to work I need them to be distracted so they don't interrupt me when I'm doing the spell." Ladybug said which made her team nod their heads then they exited out and headed to the Eiffel Tower where Lila and Felix were sitting waiting for them and when they saw the heroes they smiled

"Milady when you do the spell will you still be the Guardian or will Master Fu be guardian?" Chat Noir asked

"Don't know why?" Ladybug asked

"If he's still guardian then he's going to make you keep a lot of secrets from me but if you're still Guardian then you can tell anything alright." Chat said as he held Ladybug's hands

"I know kitty I hated lying and keeping secrets from you that I felt like I was turning into Lila for it which I hated." Ladybug said

"I know Milady, I see it in your face every time you lie." Chat said

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