Chapter 2

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Kadomon: hey, you ok? Your just standing there, you're going to make me lose customers kid

Subaru: y-yeah, I'm ok...

Subaru left and went immediately towards where Emilia was

Subaru: where is she? Where is she?

Subaru ran and then he saw her searching for him

Emilia: Su‐

Emilia stopped herself from talking

Emilia: hello there...

Subaru: h-hey...

Subaru thought of an idea

Subaru: h-hey Beautiful... may I get your name?

Emilia blushed but knew what Subaru was doing

Emilia: t-thanks, i-its Emilia... just Emilia

Subaru: well then, it would be rude to not introduce myself. My name is Natsuki Subaru

Subaru struck a pose

Puck: you better not be trying to woo my daughter

Puck appeared from Emilia's gem

Subaru: n-no, I'm just... hey, your a cat?

Puck: yes I am

Subaru: may I... pet your furr?

Puck: hmmm, I guess... but only this once, I still don't fully trust you

Subaru started to pet Puck

Emilia looked at Subaru and mouthed "what's going on?"

Only for Subaru to respond "I don't know"

Suddenly Felt swiped the insignia from Emilia and ran away

Felt: yoink

Puck: wait... this was a set up

Subaru: n-no it wasn't, I'm telling the truth I swear

Puck looked confused and shocked

Puck: your telling the truth?

Subaru: I am, please don't hurt me

Puck: then what's... what the heck is going on Lia?

Emilia: I'm just as confused as you are Puck... but we need to stop that girl from fully getting to her destination

Subaru nodded as he grabbed Emilia's hand and dragged her through an alleyway

But the two were stopped shortly afterwards as 3 strangers that were all too familiar to Emilia and Subaru

Emilia: s-step back ok!

Emilia put her hands up as if to summon ice

The skinny man stepped closer

Rachins: well, well, well, you looks like you have money with those fancy clothes how about you shar-

Subaru punched the guy in the face

Subaru: Emilia! Go! NOW!

Subaru said as he ran the opposite way of the alleyway with Emilia but tripped before he could fully escape

Subaru was about to get back up but felt pain in his foot

A sharp pain that hurt like a stab wound

Subaru looked down to his feet to see a knife was stabbed into his right foot

More exactly his heel

Subaru: g-god damnit

Subaru said as he started to crawl out

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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