°• chapter 6 •°

Start bij het begin

I walk to him and seat beside him

" y/n ? "

He sigh before looking at me again

" stop talking about her when you with me ok  "

He said playing his phone again

I sigh before looking outside

" well if you coming to my apartment just to play your game then go home "

He stop playing his game and hug me from behind

" look I'm sorry ok I just get jealous earlier "

" about y/n ? "

" yeah .."

" well why "

I turn to him and hold his and

" you have me right ?!? Why are you jealous over her ?"

He smile before hugging me again

" I know I'm sorry "

I smile back

" baji do .. you think you should break up with her .."

I said softly

He pull out from the hug

" never but if she want to break up then    maybe I will "

" oh ok ..".

Next morning at school I go to all the class try to find y/n

And finally

" y/n can I talk with you privately.."

She look up to me before telling me to follow her

We get to the back of the school near the vending machine

She was buying a drink

" talk "

I look at her

" L-look  ! I know  you and baji in relationship b-but .."

She look to me and open her drink

Why are she always giving me this cold stare

I hate it !

" I see you like baji ? Well you not the first there are couple girl who likes him to -"

I stop her from continuing

" no ! I love him ! He love me too break up with him you do nothing but hurt him

Why are you so selfish you so over yourself ! "

I take the drink and throw it to her

" break up with him stop hurting him "

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