Devil doesn't bargin|John B

Start from the beginning

(John B's Pov)

I sat in the boat waiting for y/n. It was taking an awfully long time. "Hey, y/n will be here in a minute. Lucas is talking with her."-JJ. He said as he got on the boat. "What."-John B. I said looking up at him. "Lucas is talking with y/n, she'll be here in a minute."-JJ.

I clenched my jaw, but sat there. I knew what he was doing to her. I knew she wanted to see the best in him, but someone like him, isn't one you can trust. "I'll be back, I left something in the twinkie."-John B. Everyone nodded in response.

I walked off the boat and off the dock. I wasn't really getting anything from the twinkie, I was looking for Y/n.
I started walking around, when I heard yelling. Only one person sounds like that. Lucas. I went twards the yelling and hid behind a tree.

Just as I got behind the tree I heard, what sounded like, someone being slapped then "Next time I suggest you listen! Stop worrying about you'reslef, and do the one thing i ask you to do! Understand?!"-Lucas. I walked out from behind the tree and grabbed the back of his shirt, from behind him, pulling him away from Y/n.

~he'll never be prince Charmin, he'll only do you harm again, I don't mean to metal but the devil doesn't setal no, the devil doesn't bargin~Song

"I suggest you leave her alone."-John B. I said as I stood infront of Y/n. "Or what? Youre ganna play hero?"-Lucas.
I cleaned my jaw, before connecting my fist to his face and grabbing him by the neck. "Yeah, I'll play hero."-John B. I then pushed him to the ground. He quickly got up and ran off. "This won't be the end! You pogues will get what you deserve!"-Lucas.

I then turned to Y/n, and saw a huge red mark across her face. "Y/n-"-John B. I was cut off by her wrapping her arms around me, as she started crying. "'s're safe now."-John B. I said rubbing her back, to help comfort her. "I-im so s-sorry."-Y/n. I then gently put a finger under her chin, making her look up at me. "Never apologize for something someone has done to you."-John B.

She nodded before hugging me again. "Do you just want to ho back to the château?"-John B. I asked after a couple of minutes. "What about the others-"-Y/n. "They'll understand."-John B. "But I don't wan to ruin-"-Y/n. "Y/n, you're not ganna ruin anything, I promise. Do YOU want to go back to the château?"-John B.

"Could we um...maybe just sit in the twinkie?"-Y/n. I smiled at her before responding. "Yeah, ill be right there just let me go tell the others ok?"-John B. She nodded before heading twards the van. I went back to the dock, and tward the boat. "Hey, what took you so long!?"-JJ. "Yeah man, did you get stopped by Rafe or something?"-Pope.

"No, I found Y/n with Lucas-"-John B.
"Oooh, I get it, you're jealous."-Kiara.
"No-"-John B. "Yah, you're right kie."-JJ. "For once I agree with both of them."-Pope. "Guys!"-John B. I said getting there attention. "It's not what it seems. I found Lucas yelling at her. He ended up hitting her, which explains all the times she's shown up with bruises. She still wants you guys to be able to drive the boat around

So I told her ud stay in the twinkie with her."-John B. "Is she ok?"-Kiara. "Yeah, where's Lucas again? Couse im ganna-"-JJ. "He already ran off, and yes she's ok. I going to go back, but I wanted to let you all know."-John B.
"Ok, shout if there's any other problems."-Pope. "I will."-John B.

I then headed back to the twinkie. I opened the door and got in the back seat, seeing y/n sitting down. "You were right. All along."-Y/n. She said after a couple minutes of silence.
"Y/n, look I didn't want to pressure you. I just wanted you to be safe. I wanted to know that when you were at home, you were safe."-John B.

~I'm not one to lecture, talk down to a friend. I don't mean to pressure mean to condisend, but I just want what's best for you in the end, I know you don't want to let go~song.

".....thank you. For everything."-Y/n. I nodded pulling her into a side hug, letting her lay her head on my chest.
"No need to thank me.....ill always be here when you need me."-John B.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this! Let me know what you think! And also let me know any ideas you have! Sorry for spelling mistakes and/or misplaced words! I hope you all have/or had a great day/afternoon/or night!!! And if not, remember you are loved, and you are important, and you ate beutiful!<3

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this! Let me know what you think! And also let me know any ideas you have! Sorry for spelling mistakes and/or misplaced words! I hope you all have/or had a great day/afternoon/or night!!! And if not, remember you are love...

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