9. oppdraget gikk galt

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i put my plushie next to my pillow and went to price's office. i knocked on the door. "come in" i opened the door. he smiled at me, and i sat down. i looked at him. "whats up kid?" i smiled nervously. "um.." he looked confused "what? get on with it." i sighed "whats charismas like?" he blinked a few times. "what?" i scratched the back of my neck. " whats charismas like sir?" he looked like i was crazy. i was getting more nervous. "have you never had one before?" i nodded my head. he chuckled " why come to me and ask? why not ask soap or gaz?" i huffed "well after i asked you i was going to ask everyone else. i just wanted to hear it from you first." he nodded his head. he spoke " charismas is something you do with friends and family, you can give or make gifts for them, and in return you get gifts.. then there's Santa." i looked at him confused, ive heard of him but didn't really know about him "who's that?" there was curiosity on my face price smiled "well hes a guy who, if you leave milk and cookies out for him with a note. he comes and brings you presents. but you have to be sleeping." i looked at him "so your saying a guy named Santa brakes into your home, eats your food and gives you gifts if you leave milk and cookies?" he nodded his head. "and a note." i nodded my head takeing in the information "so can i see him? i would like to talk to the guy" price shook his head "cant see him. the man is old fashioned he only talks threw letters." i nodded my head "anything else i need to know about the man?" price showed me a picture of the guy. "that's him?" price nodded. "why is he fat?" price laughed and explained the fat man more to me. "all in one night?" he nodded his head "the guy probably has diabetes, can we make him low sugar cookies?" price shook his head. "cant be low sugar, they have to be normal cookies." i nodded my head "why?" he smiled "or he wont come" i nodded my head "thank you for this information sir." he chuckled "if you have anymore questions ask me or the guys. your mission will be in a few hours. you should go take a nap" i nodded my head.

i took a small nap but i ended up making some stuffed dolls of the team for charismas, after i had woken up. i made two sets one for me and one for the guys, it took about 2 hours. i had made myself to go with the second set for myself. i hid the first set in a shoe box under my bed. there coats and hats were removable, ghost's mask was removable as well. though i made soaps gun removable. after i was done i took another nap.

after my nap, I was put on another mission, I had to jump out of a plane. This was by far my favorite mission I'm doing. It was a solo mission with backup on stand-by. They would come if absolute necessary. Ghost had given me a long lecture, because of what happened the first time I did my solo mission after Sophia. I told him I'd be fine. "Again. Do NOT be reckless (l/n)." I smiled "aww, you care about me Lt" he sighed and facepalmed "just get ready to jump grim." I smiled again "yeah, yeah I know." I put the parachute on and went to the end of the plane so I could jump. I had a mic in my ear, so I could hear Ghost on the other end. I looked back at ghost and he gave me the thumbs up. So I fell back with a smile. I love missions like this, I get to free fall. Sophia would hate it though. She hates heights. I smiled at the little memorie of her.

-Flash back-

We were in training and we had to jump out of the plane. This was way before 141 was made or before i knew about it. Sophia was like a cat in a tree. It was her turn to jump but she refused. I rolled my eyes and tossed a spare parachute to her. She looked at me confused "you better not" and I jumped. I heard her scream then a minuet later she jumped I opened my arms and so did she. She was yelling, i narrowed my eyes at her but it was hard to hear her with the wind in your ears. I smiled at her and made myself go down more. she continued to yell when she grabbed me, tears ran down her face. I wiped some away and kissed her forehead , and pulled her parachute. She looked confused and started yelling for me. her cheeks were pink and puffy. then I pulled my own parachute.... she yelled at me more when we were on ground. she ended up punching me in the face but quickly hugged me... I didn't hear the end of it for a week, and she wouldn't let it go. i felt kinda bad but she had to jump or she would get kicked out, so i made her. i ended up explaining that to her over paper and then and only then did she understand. after bootcamp we went to different branches. she worked for the Army while i worked for the Marines. we ended up not talking for a few years i was surprised when she was on task force 141. that was the first time i saw her in years. she knew everything about me and why i didn't talk... i usually play with her dog tags when i miss her... i guess you could say i loved her. it wasn't a romantic love. it was more i couldn't get threw life without her, we were well in her words we were best friends, though i called us bestevenner. it means best friends though i didn't ever tell her that.. she was the sun, and i was the moon. she was the only good i had in my life at the time.

The Grim Reaper || ghost x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz