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The next morning you were awoken by one of the maids. As soon as they knocked lightly and peeked their head in on you were already up.

" Goodmorning Miss y/n...Lord Joestar requested that you wore this dress today to go shopping." She said putting the black dress on the bed. " He said it fit your personality in his opinion but if you'd like we can get you a different dress." She said and you shook your head no.

She smiled and clasped her hands together. " We'll I'll run you a bath and do your hair after getting that dress on."

" Thank you..." you paused waiting for her name.

" My names Ava madam"

" Thank you Ava. And just Y/n." She nodded walking into the bathroom that connected to your room.

You looked in the mirror while hearing the water run. You never noticed but in the human realm you looked rather beautiful yet intimidating because of your posture.

At least people wouldn't pick on you, if they thought you'd bash their face in.

You perked up hearing your name. It was Ava telling you that your bath was ready.

Getting in the large bath tub the warm water felt refreshing. You tried to tell Ava that you didn't need her to wash you but she was too stubborn. She told you that she was your personal maid and that it was her job to make sure she did everything for you.

Then she got the dress on you. It hugged your hips and seemed like the perfect fit. The shoes were black flats with small golden designs on them.

As Ava sat you down in front of the mirror she didn't know was to do with your hair since it was so poofy. In the end she decided to brush it out and put it into a neat bun.

" Breakfast is ready whenever you come down stairs. Lord Joestar and Master Jonathan are already waiting for you."

You thanked her and she soon left you in the room by yourself.

Walking down the stairs George smiled and greeted you. He was just coming out of his office to go to the dining table while you were coming down the stairs.

" You look wonderful y/n." He said as you came down the last few steps. A large dog came out of no where and started barking at you. He seemed frightened until You smiled at him and crouched down to his level.

Animals can always sense what humans can't. And in this case this large dog could sense that you were a higher being.

" It's okay, I won't hurt ya." You said softly.

Once the Dog felt comfortable enough he came and practically jumped on you.

" That's Danny, Jojo's Dog."

As if on que Jonathan came out from the other room. " Sorry I'm late-" He paused seeing you stand up strait. His face flushed. "-Whoah, you look beautiful....no wait, I mean-"

George chuckled at his reaction realizing that his son had a crush. It was about time.

Once breakfast was done George had sent the both of you into town to get you new outfits.

Jojo tried to make small talk but every time he looked you in the eyes he lost the courage. They were too hypnotic.

The town was interesting as well. They're were many stores with fancy dresses, shoes and so on.

When ever you'd try to sneak away Jojo would just grab your wrist and drag you to the next store. He made sure that you didn't Carry any bags at all during your trip. And in the end he was the one who came back carrying almost thirty bags that had your outfits in them.

Deepest Desires Yandere Jjba x Black Goddess readerWhere stories live. Discover now