Something Different

Start from the beginning

"No I didn't." You say, stepping towards the broom closet before turning abruptly and making your way to the stairs, "I never shut doors."

You continued up to the bosses office, practically skipping steps as the narrator rushed to complete his dialogue. Just before you got through the brown doors into the bosses office they slammed closed.

"(Y/N)!" The Narrator shouted, "Have some patience! What are you in such a hurry for. You can't give a single moment to just let me talk! It's my story!"

The room goes quiet, nothing happens, "Are you pouting?" You ask.

The Narrator doesn't respond. You shrug and sit at the reception desk, sipping on your drink. You're not sure how long your sitting there in total. Long enough to finish your drink and start trying to do origami with the paper on the desk. Did you used to know origami? Like most things about yourself, you're not sure. After awhile the door opens up slowly. You get up and walk into the office.

"Here's the door, just go." The Narrator said.

"Wow, you're in a mood today." You say, stepping into the elevator and pressing the button.

"Descending deeper into the building, (Y/N) realized they felt a bit peculiar. It was a stirring of emotion in their chest, as though they felt more free to think for themself, to question the nature of their job. Why did they feel this now, when for years it had never occurred to them? This question would not go unanswered for long."

When you got to the bottom you hesitated, you swore you could see a faint red glow coming from behind you and you turned around. Was that new? A button pointed up, back to the bosses office? You pressed it.

"Whoops, nope, never mind! (Y/N) actually got back into the elevator and went back up! Silly me! Why did (Y/N) do that, when they knew that it would just lead back to their boss's office? Well, that's a great question. I just can't want to find out." The Narrator said. The elevator stopped abruptly. "Wait a second. Is, this different to you. Was this here before?"

"I don't think so, or maybe I just never pushed the button." You say.

"You?!" The Narrator laughed, "Not pushing a button, in what world?" The elevator started up again. "Here we are (Y/N), it's your boss's office! Exactly the way it was before you got onto the elevator. It's still just exactly what it is. What a decision you've made to come up here and look at the office again. This has fleshed out the plot of the story in new and fascinating ways I could have never anticipated. It's that keen eye for storytelling you have, an incisive rapid-fire of critical plot points, one after the other, weaving a rich tapestry of uncompromising narrative! Wow! I'm bolted to the edge of my seat!"

After a moment you turned and walked back to the elevator, that was weird.

"Incredible. Now they're getting back into the elevator and going down again? Ladies and gentlemen, how do they keep coming up with all this?"

When you reached the bottom you were about to step away, when you wondered what would happen if you tried again.

"Did you think we were going to go forward down the spooky corridor? No! It's time once again to go back up in the elevator! I can't even begin to grapple what might be up there. Is it the boss's office again? Or what if it's the boss's office this time? The suspense is killing me!" The Narrator said.

When you got to the top you walked out to see the boss's office again. Exactly as you left it.

"Oh my god... it's the boss's office. This absolutely changes everything for me. Give me a time out here for a minute while I process this." The Narrator says.

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