James' face is bright red with rage and this point. "You're dead." And with that he swings, hitting Regulus directly in the nose which starts bleeding almost instantly. He wipes the blood on his sleeve and looks at down at it with a smirk.

"oh you're on Potter." And with that the two boys are repeatedly swinging at each other, blood turning the snow below them red. Once I'm able to process what's going on I run over and try my best to separate the two, barley managing to do so.  "Stop!" I look between them with disappointment. "All I wanted was one day without any of this shit!" Everyone stays silent, "Regulus if that is all you had to say, please leave us alone now and be on your way." With that he wipes his bloodied nose yet again and nods, walking away from all of this without a word.

I look at James and shake my head with a sigh and begin walking. I look behind me and motion for everyone to follow.

The rest of the walk, Lily and I walked out of earshot from the boys.

"So. How come I didn't know about this whole pinned against the wall ordeal?" She asks me still looking in front of her.

"It was nothing special, I was just pranking him and he caught me that's all." I shove my hands into my pocket.

"Well if you ask me, it sounds like you might fancy Regulus Black." She giggles.

"Shhhhh Lils keep it down." I turn my head to make sure the boys didn't hear that.

"You didn't deny it." She winks and bumps her shoulder into mine playfully.

"I don't like him. I hate him actually. I was just flustered."

"Yeah and I 'hate' your brother." I look at her in shock.

"Did THE Lily Evans just admit to having a crush on James?" I whisper yell.

"That's not the point here." I roll my eyes

"Ok... I might find him the slightest bit attractive, and I'm not going to lie the blood on his face just now upped that by ten, but I do NOT fancy him." I rant out super fast.

"Blood kink much." She giggles. "And yeah ok mhm 100%." I just roll my eyes again.

"I really don't."

"I said ok Y/n." She says and opens the door to the Three Broomsticks for the boys and I to go in. 

We sit down and each order a butterbeer. Small talk fills our booth for a good 30 minutes until James opens his loud mouth.

"Y/n you really shouldn't let people talk to you like that." He takes a sip.

"I wasn't going to let It happen but you didn't even give me a chance to talk." I shoot back.

"Hey I was just protecting you." He shrugs

"I don't need your protection James, I'm not a baby anymore." I snap standing up and leaving the restaurant.

I walk as fast as I can to find somewhere vacant of anyone who might bother me. After a good 5 minutes I find an alley, sitting on the snow covered floor not caring if my pants get wet. I sit there crying, tears almost freezing do to the cold around me.

All of a sudden I see a man in a black cloak walking up to me. He was on the shorter side but that's really all I could make out of him.

"Now what would a pretty girl like you be doing in a dark cold alley by herself?" He questions in a squeaky high pitched voice.

"Please leave me alone." my heart begins racing

"Didn't Mummy and Daddy teach you any manners? Answer the damn question." I stay silent. With this response, or lack of so, he squats down and slaps me across the face. "I'm going to ask one more time. What. are. you. doing. here?" Again I stay quiet, more and more tears falling from my eyes by the second.

When Stars Align {Regulus x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now