Start from the beginning

"Finally I'm free at least! Hana grab your stuff and let's go! We don't have to come back here!" Naoki says. Honey heard what she says and starts to cry. First, he can't get any sweets, and now Naoki isn't coming back?!

"No! No! You guys I'm okay! Takashi I'm feeling fine! Naochan doesn't go, please! I don't want snacks to be forbidden...I don't want Naochan to leave! It doesn't hurt... It doesn't hurt!" He yells, but both Naoki and Hana dashed the door. Mori ignores him and takes the piece of cake away from him.

"Stop! That's my cake!"

"It's forbidden." Honey cries at Mori's words. Renge shakes her head sadly and says, "And thus, cruel as it is, Honey-senpai's hell has begun."


The next day, Hana and Naoki were in the halls walking to class when they saw a group of girls chattering. The two looked at each other and walked up closer to the girls.

"My...poor Honey-kun"

"I heard the Host Club is banning snacks right now."

"It must be a shock for him."

"But while this may sound indiscreet, his appearance right now is just so..."

"It's kind of sad really."

Naoki scoffs at the girls. The group of girls turns to her and stares at her.
"And what's so funny to you Sakamaki-chan?"

"Are you guys for real? This is pathetic. Everyone's acting as if he will die without some sweets. Geez, give him a week or two and he'll be good as new.  I don't see what the big deal is"The girls gasp at Naoki's cruel words. The girl with bangs got mad at Naoki and says some harsh words to her.

"How would you know what he's feeling? You have no heart. You don't care for anyone or anything at all. You don't help anyone unless it's for your own selfish needs! The only reason why Komori-san is your friend is because she pities you"Naoki's eyes twitched at this. Hana nervously chuckles and tries to make Naoki leaves but it didn't work. 

"Is that so? I don't help people? Mhm...maybe I should fix that." She says. She stares at the group and gives them an innocent smile and then leaves with Hana trailing right behind her. The group of girls was scared. Why? Because their friend messed with Sakamaki Naoki, and anyone who messes with her, is going to live a miserable life.



At the host club, Hana was invited again by Tamaki to join them, but the blonde sighed when he saw that she brought her evil friend. Naoki was feeling a little mischievous. For two weeks straight Mitsukuni has been bothering her, trying to walk her to class, trying to buy her lunch, even as far as doing her homework which she didn't mind, but Naoki's rich and she knows rich people don't do things for free, so she came to the host club with some cake. 

She sat in front of Mitsukuni and eats the cake in front of him. His eyes had widened at the treat. He tried asking for some but all he got was, "Didn't your owner tells you, that you can't have any cake? Now be a good dog and stay quiet"

He didn't understand what she meant or why she was doing this, but he sat there quietly sobbing and watches her eat her cake. The host club felt bad for their friend, really they did but as they go to tell her that snacks aren't allowed, she had finished it and said, "What snack? Are you blind? My hands are empty" Which made them angry at her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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