chapter 1

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"No dad ! I don't want to leave !" I yelled.

"You don't have a fucking choice y/n ! I already decided." Spat my dad.

my dad came closer to me and whispered.

"you're going. End of discussion."

I looked at him with a death glare and tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I hate you with my entire heart" I whispered back at him in his ear.

I wiped away my tears and stormed in my room, letting all my anger out on my pillow. Tomorrow, I will have to start my last school year at hogwarts and leave all of my friends from Beauxbatons. Just because my dad wants me to be less weak. 

My mom left years ago, leaving me alone with my asshole of father. I don't have a choice when I'm with him. When I tried to, two of my ribs were broken and my nose too. So I never tried again. I feel so weak around him.

I don't want to leave my friends but at the same time, I'm happy and relaxed as long as I'm away from my father. I quickly made my way to my best friend's house to see her one last time. I knocked on Amy's door, which she opened quickly.

"Oh mon dieu (oh my god) y/n are you okay ?" Asked Amy with a concerned face.

More tears appeared on the corner of my eyes while I'm running towards her to hug her tightly.

"Amy, my dad sent me to hogwarts"

she quickly looked at me in awe.

"what ? no, why ? " Amy knew what my dad put me through but she didn't really talked about it with me.

"I don't know, probably to piss me off. He also wanted me to be stronger"

I looked at her while she's trying to aknowledge the situation. She dried my tears with her thumb.

"You will be okay, y/n. I promise we will see us again. I'll do my best for you." she hugged me tightly and cried on my shoulder. 

After a while, I backed off a little and looked at her.

"I'm so sorry Amy. I need to go, I'm going to Hogwarts tomorrow morning. I'm gonna miss you ma fée (my fairy)"

"me too princesse (princess)" she said and dried her tears with the sleeve of her sweater.

She hugged my tightly one last time and we said goodbye. I went back to my place, still crying. It was late, I wasn't hungry and I didn't want to see the evil face of my father. I finished packing my suitcase and went to bed. Of course, I didn't manage to sleep.

the next morning

I woke up with my alarm and sighed of frustation. When I remembered the situation, a single teardrop fell from the corner of my eyes but I quickly wiped it away. I got up and got ready. My dad knocked on my door.

"I will be apparating with you in 3 minutes."

I didn't answer him and went straight out of my room and met him with my suitcase.

"you look sleepy"

I raised my eyebrows at him, and looked at him with my puffy red eyes.

"thanks to you"

He rolled his eyes and took my arm with a firm grip to apparate us to the train station. After we arrived, he quickly disappeared, leaving me on my own. I looked around me and there was a lot of young and old wizards. Most of them are with their parents, hugging them tightly and smiling. I quickly looked away before I cry and went in the train. I made my way along the train and finally found empty seats. 

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