Chapter 1 : The Messiah

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Sadie come... Daddy wants to tell you a story
Yay daddy !
Aren't I invited for story time ?
You're invited for much more...
Hey !
Uhmm she didn't hear anything

Sadie sits on her dad Sam's

Hey... Where will mommy sit ?
Right next to me (smiles)
Margaret sits next to Joao leaning on his shoulder... With her hand on her belly rubbing it slowly.
I love this
I love you guys.
Can we start with the story ?
Oh yea sure... The story goes like this

In the year 2026 the Messiah came back down to Earth. She performed miracles and cured the sick. There was no doubt as to her authenticity. She appeared to all nations at once. All believed. All worshipped her.

Some time later, after this period of our history known as the Age of Peace, She dropped a bombshell on us. She warned us that Heaven was almost full. Nobody had gone to Hell during this Age. There were a fixed amount of spots left. Paradise would be closed to all who died after the Gates close. That is when the Mass Suicides began. Taking your own life, She had told us, was not a sin if you died a pious man. The race was on!

She looked on and was pleased. She returned to her home, to her throne of fire and flames, and greeted all with a nod of her wicked horns.

She's asleep already ?
Yea..  she must've been tired from all that running
Yea (laughs)... She'll make a beautiful sister won't she
Yea and you'll make a beautiful mommy
Aren't I already ?
I mean... Uuuh nevermind ..

*There's silence

We should turn the lights of... We're running out of wood for the fire
Yea... Margaret how much faith do we have left ?
Enough for 3 days, The collectors will be arriving soon ?
Yea and if we keep hiding eventually they'll catch us...
Yea... Sam?
Yea ?
Do you think one day... We'll ever be able to go back home ?
I don't know... But all I know is, Earth lives within us
You're right
I know I am (kisses her on the lips) Thank you Margaret
What for ?
For everything, you have made me the happiest man alive
We're in hell... Nobody is truly happy (sarcastically smiles)
Says who ? I'm at home (kissing her again... Passionately) my home... Is you and Sadie

The end 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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