We meet again....

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2 days after he had woken up he was asleep and in his dream he had been in a similar looking area to the one he had been in his coma. He walked further to find a small cottage, he then walked up to the cottage and knocked. The Mysterious Lady from his coma answered the door and said, "Welcome I've been expecting you, please come in and I'll get you a towel and coat." After she had gotten him the towel and coat she then said "I know you've been thinking of who I was so im here to explain a little." She then followed on saying "I am Lilith I help people who are in comas, though I can also appear in dreams like this." He was shocked and said "Well thank you Lilith for helping me." She then said "Its no problem dear but it seems as though it's almost day and you seem to be waking up, so I'll see you another time."

Mysterious Lady In The Dark Winter Night...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant