The best of friends

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3rd pov:

A long time passed since Y/n and Kunikuzushi had opened up with each other.
Weeks? No.
Months? No.
A year? No.
It had been three years.


Y/n pov:

I walked with the basket I had in hand, finding good fruit from a stall and putting it in the basket.
After paying for it, I turned and walked to the next stall.

It was a cute little marked place in the city that was recently built.

After the time that had passed since I entered this world, I realized that I hadn't aged at all.
Maybe I was immortal as well. I don't know how, but maybe. I think the world was helping me some how. Now, I would never leave anyones side at all.

I could smell the pastry's in the streets.
Inazuma, especially Narukami had grown a lot. There were a lot more buildings now.

However one thing concerned me. I still didn't know if Aether or Lumine had entered this world yet, if their journey started.
By the looks of it, it seems it will be a while until it happens.
I think I would feel a lot more comfortable if I was able to properly tell exactly where in the story I was.

Saving lives...
My eyes widened and I stopped walking.
Maybe... I'll be able to save someone other than Kunikuzushi as well.

I started walking again.
If I'm in Inazuma now, maybe I can help more people. Especially another certain Inazuma character who had to see their friend die.

Kazuha's friend died due to challenging The Shogun. I could maybe save him too.

Now that I think about it, the vision hunt decree hasn't started. I haven't seen anyone recognizeable from the game.
I definitely have a while more... maybe a couple decades.

It was relieving to know.

As I walked, I bumped into someone. My basket fell out of my arms as I didn't hold it properly, and the fruit fell on the ground.

Damn it.
My cheeks slightly turned red from embarrassment. A couple of people looked my direction before turning away again.

I looked up to whoever I bumped into.
It was a man. But by the looks of it, he was a soldier.

"Look where you are going." He said, in an annoyed tone.
He annoyed me. Yes, I wasn't looking clearly ahead.
But it seems he wasn't either, if he also walked into me.
He shouldn't be angry.

"Yes, you too." I answered him, slightly defending myself too.

It seems it annoyed him more. "If a soldier is walking, you are to make way." His eyebrows furrowed. He spoke a little aggressively.

I don't want to make a scene.
Some people were already looking.

"Let us just agree that we both should have walked properly." I said.
It wasn't a rule or anything that I absolutely had to make way for him.
And we were in the middle of a crowded street.
No one else made way for him either.
He wasn't anyone special.

"Do not speak back to me. You owe me compensation for my loss of time!" He started shouting.

I sweat dropped as more people turned to look.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now