Start Of The Game!

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Jiang Cheng already had a looming feeling when he heard his mother forbid him being the target, and instead pushing Wei Wuxian into the spot since he's their head disciple. Nie Huaisang of course shared the notion.
Hell, Jin Zixuan and the Lan family probably thought that that wasn't a wise decision either. Letting the one who acts without thought, who always stirrs up trouble for the sake of fun, the most mischievous troublemaker that THE Lan Qiren avoids like the plaque, be the target in this traditional event of the gentry sects?

Lord have mercy. On their minds. And their nerves. And their souls.

"Well atleast it's bound to be fun" Huaisang fanned himself chuckling lightly. His big brother and their sect leader Nie Mingyue didn't know if he should be glad the other was willingly participating or not.

They were all at a certain mountain (the one where the peonix hunt or so occurred). All five sects: Nie, Jin, Jiang, Lan, and Wen, they all where in attendance and the sect leaders were seated in a U form. The middle - or center of the form - obviously being occupied by the Wen clan.

Jin PeiZhi, Jin Guangshan's wife, turned to the woman she considers her sister, Yu Ziyuan, questioningly. "How come you let that servantboy be the festivals target? Wouldn't your son do better? If he lasted very long he would be very respected."

A purple gaze looked back at her, the corner of Ziyuan's lips seemed slightly upturned. "Because, it would do well for that boy to learn some selfrestraint. If he wants to be in the spotlight so much, why not let him feel the feeling of not being able to outrun the sects? Then he'd do better to recognize his own position. He'd come to see the consequences if he did something wrong."

PeiZhi looked impressed at her idea. "Ohh~ that is clever thinking. Furthermore, in the event that the target- ahem, delegate gets injured during the capture, it won't be your son that has to suffer at the hands of the Wens."

Both husbands chose not to speak up — and for somewhat similar reasons they chose to not go against their wife's.

The younger generation of the sects where either seated near their parents or where waiting a bit further down the platform. In the middle of the U, standing in between the Nie and Jiang sect was the target, Wei Wuxian. His smile could be a lecture in deciphering. Was he nervous? Happy? Excited?

Wen Rouhan gestured for an big dim orb to be brought out, his sect disciples obeying as quick as they could. Last year, the Wen sect had to chose a target, which ended up being some senior disciple of theirs since both of their sect heirs were studying at Gusu at the time, so currently they were in possession of it. At his behest, two disciples brought it before Wei Wuxian who stared at it in curiosity.

They placed the orb, which was about so big it reached one's knees, before him and then took a few steps back giving the event space. Wei Wuxian took an unprompted step forward. He glanced at his family, the Jiangs. Fengmian gave him a kind polite smile, Yu Ziyuan had a passive look. His all but younger blood brother Jiang Cheng looked nervous and excited, Yanli gently smiled at him and gave small nods to assure him.

Wei Ying returned the nod before looking up at Wen Rouhan who spoke, "Well then, the Yunmeng Jiang sect is the chosen sect this year. They were so free as to chose their head disciple for us to hunt as I heard." a few faces present secretly soured at his rather harsh choice of words, "Head disciple, after you get your 'help' from the orb you have only a headstart of one day. I propose that you use it wisely~" he had a small laugh.

The laugh didn't affect the 16 year old at all, rather, he went ahead and placed his right hand on the orb. At the contact, his sects clarity bell lit up. Both the bell and the orb shone purple – the symbolic culour of lotus pier. The shine was visibly bright, but didn't blind anyone. However, it caused them to not be able to see what Wei Wuxian would receive as help.

An item? A tip? Maybe.. He'd disappear on the spot? That had happened to someone else before!

When they saw him again, which was about a quarter of an incense stick later, Wei Wuxian's closest friends and lotus pier disciples felt a complicated sense of dread as they looked at his face.

His eyes were glimmering with untold things, with his brows narrowed, his smile was silly, borderline develish, mischievous. Lan Qiren felt that, whatever that boy was thinking this time, was several times worse than whatever he had done at Cloud Ressesses. He was already dreading how long this would last.

On the other hand it didn't seem like he got teleported, got some special sword or an item. He didn't seem smarter either... But Wen Rouhan still felt like this boy was going to be a challenge to catch. Alone because the boy didn't seem to quiver under all the pressure on him - which didn't seem like it was because of his position as head disciple -, he looked as relaxed as if this was the start of an easy  mountain walk. Safe to say his sons saw how their father looked at the one/ the servant in purple.

'Father seems to have taken an interest in this year's play.'
'Father must be upset at this lowly servant, if I brutally catch him, father will be proud of me.'

Wei Wuxian gave a polite bow - totally not challenging them! - "I will leave first then, esteemed sect leaders". Since none replied, he went a bit away from his place before disappearing in the forest. Others of his generation looked after him. He didn't even go to get food, spare clothes or water...

Wen Rouhan stood up, the other leaders rising in forced and a bit obliged correspondence, "Well then, let's see how far he'll make it. The hunt will begin tomorrow after the sun has risen!".

As everyone went to their sects own quarters, the Jiang siblings looked into the direction their brother took off, 'Stay safe'.

The next morning, the Jin and Wen sect had expected to find the boy tangled up in one of the few diety binding nets they secretly set up in advance — but the odd thing is... they didn't find him in the forest at all! Even the footsteps he took while entering had cut off.

'Someone seems to know how to hide, let's see how good he is.'

Meanwhile, in the Center form that the sects were sitting in, the leaders intently listened in on the floating communication talismans that were flying in the middle of their U seating. There were five, each Heir of the five sects had one to report their findings or ideas and theories as to where he went and what their target was doing. The heirs couldn't hear back from the 'base' unless they went back or found another group to exchange information with. Additionally, the talismans had to be replaced at some point since they couldn't go on indefinitely.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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