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The Christmas Feast at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was in full swing. Students happily conversed about their Christmas plans with their friends as the teachers watched on.

At the Gryffindor table sat a group of five, four boys and one girl. The boys were dressed in their house colors of red and gold while the girl seemed very out of place in her green and silver. Their house differences didn't seem to matter though with how joy filled their conversation was.

James Potter and Sirius Black had just simultaneously thrown their hands in the air. They were still trying to figure out how Remus Lupin and the girl sitting with them, Artemis Rashidi, knew each other. Peter Pettigrew watched on with a small smile at his friends useless attempts. "Oh come on! Not one little detail? Nothing?" James was very adamant on wanting this information. Ever since their group met Artemis and saw that she and Remus knew each other they have desperately wanted the story behind it. Sirius rested his elbows on the table and held his hands up in somewhat of a surrender. Looking between the two that sat across from him he asked, "Ok, fine. What about the first time you met? Can you tell us that at least?" Taking a quick glance at each other Artemis saw Remus shrug. She raised and eyebrow at him which prompted him to say, "What could it hurt?" Artemis just turned back to the awaiting boys with a small smile as she shook her head.

Artemis clearly remembered when she and Remus met. However, she felt as if tricking the boys would be more fun. She repressed her chuckles as she started the description of that day. "Well, it was in a forest." Remus picked up after she stopped talking. "Very dark outside." Artemis kept up the tandem talking. "Hot." "Sweaty." "Ooh, there were many instances of moaning and groaning. Weren't there, Remus?" "Oh, yes. I also remember the scratches." "You're right! But how could we forget about the limping out of the woods after." "Yes, somehow that was the worst and the best part." The two looked at each other silently when they finished talking. They were quiet for all of two seconds before they started laughing. When they saw the shocked faces of not only James and Sirius, but also Peter, they lost it even more. At the same time both Sirius and James practically yelled, "You two had sex!" This caused others to look at what was causing all of the commotion. Remus and Artemis just shook their heads in denial as they laughed more. Remus sobered up first and proceeded to speak with a small smile on his face, "No you idiots. We didn't." Before the boys could get a proper answer there was a loud popping noise along with a large cloud of smoke in front of the teachers table.

When the smoke dissipated a group of five, what looked to be siblings, was left in its wake. Artemis immediately tensed when she saw the family at the other end of the hall. She was moving to stand when she saw the hostility in their eyes, but Remus lightly grabbed her arm. Turning to him she said, "You remember that family that I told you about?" Remus thought for a second before his eyes widened and he said, "That's them?" With only a nod in return Artemis finally stood and started walking towards the family.

Knowing that who she was about to speak to is extremely paranoid Artemis took slow even steps as to not freak him out. Speaking gently she said, "Hey, Nik." Immediately the man had his eyes locked on her. His shoulders relaxed just slightly when he realized who she was and he said a quiet, "Misia?" As she nodded her head in acknowledgment the man now known as Nik quickly closed the space between the two of them and brought Artemis into a tight hug. This surprised the group that looked like his family. It was also a surprise to most of the students in the great hall that knew Artemis didn't particularly like physical touch.

After Artemis heard Nik let out a deep breath she pulled away with her hands resting on his shoulders and said, "We'll figure this out." They both nodded their heads before moving so that they were standing next to each other.

Pretty much everyone was confused by their interaction. The only one that wasn't was Remus. He had to suppress the happy smile pushing to be on his face at the reunion.

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