So It Begins

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Benjamin walked out of the house that he helped his dad to make, and Ben watched as his mother hung up clothes on a line that his father had put up for her yesterday.

Ben had been excited to move out on the prairie, Ben's father had said that he had gotten the land for cheaper than what it was originally being sold for.

Because the owners died suddenly, because they were old, and the land was not fully developed.

Ben's father hoped to make the land into a horse and cattle ranch, so that his son would be well taken care of, if something should happen to him, and his wife.

He knew that they would not be around forever, and that this strange and new territory was dangerous, and not to be trusted.

(Somewhere in another part of the territory)

Annabelle looked around her and smiled, she took a deep breath of the fresh morning air.

Anna never would have imagined that this new land could have been so beautiful, and wondrous.

At the moment, she was in a field, not too far from her house that her father had made for her mother.

She wanted to pick some wild flowers for her mother, to put on the dinner table in the house.

As the day went on, Anna spent her time exploring the land closest to their cabin. Not knowing, that soon, her time with her parents, would be cut short.

(Bens POV)
As the years seemed to fly, Ben found himself intrigued with his father's way of life.

He trained horses for rounding up cows, and just for riding and packing. They had had two horses when they moved down here, and he used them to tow wood for their cabin, and for the posts to the clothes line.

Ben also longed for the day when he could have a horse of his own, he often sat and watched his father train their horses, and how gentle his dad was with them.

A few years into living on the prairie, his mother decided that she wanted a flower garden for to plant vegetables in, and Ben's father wanted more wild horses for the ranch, and so they set off for the distant Plaines.

Ben knew that his parents would be gone for a few days because wild horse herds traveled a lot, and a trader, would be hard to find and was not that close.

(Anna's POV)
Anna woke with a song on her lips, and a leap in her step, she got all her morning chores done after breakfast that morning, and then she planned on going and getting more wild flowers for her mother.

As she was picking the wild flowers, she took some time to think and talk to herself, about many things.

She did not register that there was smoke coming from the direction of her house, until she tried to take a big inhale of the fresh prairie morning air, and almost chocked.

Anna looked to where the smoke was coming from, and gasped. Then she hurriedly got up, and ran back in that direction, what Anna saw, shocked her.

(Bens POV)
Ben started to get worried when his parents didn't show up for two weeks after they had left. Ben knew that it should have been only a few days, and then he and his father would have started to train the new horses.

Over the years, Ben's dad had taught him how to train horses, and how to herd cows, and it was something that he enjoyed.

Ben decided that he would go looking for his parents, to see if they were alright.

(Anna's POV)
Anna's mother and father, were hiding behind barrels, at the side of their cabin, which was smoking.

A group of Apache Indians had attacked their cabin, and Anna saw that her father had his Winchester riffle, and his pistol out, and was shooting at the Indians.

Soon enough though, the fight ended, for an arrow peirced into her fathers chest, and he fell. Anna could not bring herself to move, as her mother cried out, and ran to Anna's father. Anna could only watch as the Indians got off of their horses, and approached her mother.

The Indians tried taking her mother away, but she fought them, and the Indian, soon seemed to tire of the woman's struggling, took out a knife, and slit the woman's throat.

Anna gasped, she knew that she probably should have tried to go to her mother, but she hadnt been able to move from her spot, as she couldn't now.

She watched as the Indians took the bodies of her parents, and threw them into the burning cabin, and then rounded up the two horses that had belonged to her parents, and they left.

Anna could not move from her spot as she watched the Indians run away, then she collapsed on the ground, shaking. She was now alone, and the thought scared her.

Knowing now that her future was uncertain, and if Anna was to survive, she went in search of shelter.

By almost nightfall, Anna was exhausted from her traipsing across the prairie, and she fell to her knees, and let herself cry.

Hello everyone, I am new to this App, and I have not thought to write any of my works where people could read them.

So if you could give my story a try, and a few likes, I'd greatly appreciate it, also, I am going to apologize in advance for not going to update frequently, where I live internet is patchy, and I never know when, or where I will be able to get more writing done.

Life's Wonderful Turn of events حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن