Start from the beginning



steven just finished second period as he breezed through lesson with ease. steven and class he was in walked out the classroom he was in but got
pushed and shoved by alot of crowded students as he hit the ground on his front as the students walked around him even mocking him as some giggled
and chuckled.

all the students went to their next lessons after break was over much to steven's bad luck as got up off the ground only to find he was in a empty
school hallway steven sighed sadly as he went to his next lesson which was do his book report which he didn't have time to do thanks to the chaotic
and mental bending things happening in his life as he walks to his third period only to be called out by the figure he knows to well.

???: steven grant of the gift shop. i guess you do work at a gift shop.

steven widens his eyes as he quickly turns around only to be met by the man only known to be arthur harrow with his cane in hand. steven steps back
scared at what the man will do to him but stops.

ARTHUR HARROW: i'd assumed steven grant was an alias. imagine my surprise to find you here. *takes a flew steps towards steven*

STEVEN GRANT: look sir i-i won't tell anyone what you and your cult did to that woman okey and i don't know what's going on
and i don't believe in magic but after what i saw.

ARTHUR HARROW: steven i don't care about that, that woman was judged by ammit herself and she was deemed unworthy.

STEVEN GRANT: wait, ammit as in ammit the devourer?!

ARTHUR HARROW: oh so you know of ammit?

STEVEN GRANT: w-well yes i do, she was an egyption deity, right? and uh, the world's first boogeyman.

ARTHUR HARROW: oh she was only the boogeyman for evildoers. she grew weary of having to wait for sinners to
commit their crime before punishing them.

STEVEN GRANT: *steps away abit scared* r-right.

ARTHUR HARROW: would wait to weed a garden till after the roses were dead?

STEVEN GRANT: i wouldn't do that.

ARTHUR HARROW: the justice of ammit surveys the whole of our lives.

STVEN GRANT: got it.

ARTHUR HARROW: past,present,future. she knows what we've done, and what we will do.

STEVEN GRANT: great. okey. well, the books must of left that part out, huh.

steven turns around to got to his lesson but a teacher appeared in his way revealing to be a follower of ammit as he pulled his sleave up. steven
who can't believe it went another way but got stopped by another teacher as she pulled her sleave up revealing to be also a follower of ammit herself.
steven looks back to arthur as he looks at him now infront of the teen.

ARTHUR HARROW: consider this...had ammit been free, she would have prevented hitler and the destruction he brought.
nero, the armenian genocide, pol pot.

BOOK 1. THE OWL HOUSE: EMBRACE THE CHAOS.Where stories live. Discover now