Before she could answer another voice interrupted them.

"Y/n, I want you on my team." Surprisingly enough it was Todoroki. Not even a second passed, and a crowd gathered around her beging her to be on their teams. Y/n looked around, overthrown by all the requests, having no idea who to choose. Especially because two came from two people who are closest to her.

A hand grabbed Y/n's wrist out of nowhere, pulling her somewhat harshly out of the crowd which was gathered around her. She threw an annoyed glare at the owner of the hand, who happened to be a certain spiky blond-haired boy with a slight scowl on his face.

"Join my team," Bakugo said, his ruby-red eyes staring directly into her blindfolded ones.

"Why the hell would I," She said snapping her hand back from his grip before continuing to speak.

"When I have so many other great options." The girl smirked seeing the scowl on his face. Oh how much she loved pissing him off.

"HUH?! You think those extras are better than me?!!!"

"Well since you suck at cooperating, they in fact can be a better choice."

Before Bakugo could start screaming again a purple-haired figure butted into their conversation.

"Y/n-san, I want you on my team."

"Huh? Hitoshi-" The moment she spoke her vision became fuzzy and felt herself nodding unintentionally.

"OI WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE!? Blind Bitch won't join a team of small fries like you!!" Bakugo snapped at him with an irk mark on his head. Shinso merely ignored him turning back, one of his finger moving in a 'follow me' motion towards Y/n.

"Come with me Y/n-san,"

Y/n started walking with him without a word, obeying his command.


As the blond-haired boy yelled looking at the two retreating figures, everyone stared in rather confused expressions.


'So this is how his quirk works huh? I'm impressed.'

Y/n's body followed him to where three other people were standing who seemed to be also under his power. She recognized two, as they were her classmates Ojiro and Aoyama.

'Well, I guess I'll be on his team. Too late to go back now." She thought using six eyes to break free from his brainwashing, gaining control of her body back. Of course, her power can overpower his, six eyes happened to be one of the most powerful powers in the world after all.

"Jeez, you didn't have to brainwash me like that." She said suddenly, making Shinso's head snap back to look at her with wide eyes.

"Wait, how-"

The girl only smiled mischievously shrugging her shoulders.

"You can guess,"

'I didn't see her bumping into anyone or something. So maybe.....maybe, her quirk overpowers mine? But what was her other quirk besides Ice manipulation? Ah right, it was manipulating force or something.... I don't see how those could break her free from brainwashing though.' Shinso thought glancing at Y/n with a curious expression.

"Well, it doesn't matter now. I mean you could have simply asked me to join you. I thought we were friends." Y/n said fake pouting.

A slight blush took over the boy's cheek as he averted his eyes.

"Most of your classmates wanted you on their team. There's no way you would have said yes to me... Also, you look like you had a hard time choosing one so, I kind of made that easy for you, didn't I?"

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