Chapter 2. Annoying princess

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Y/n POV:

I started noticing few things about Tartaglia. He always came to palace in 9am and left in 1pm. But it never looked like he was going home.

So I decided to sneek out one day and follow him. Thankfuly that wasn't hard.

He went deeper into the woods and took out his bow. I only then noticed all of the training dummies. So he likes to train by himself huh? I think I've got a really stupid idea.. Hehe.

"You know, training by yourself won't help you improve much." I said coming our of bush and leaning on tree with my arms cross.

He was starteled as he turned around ready to fire.But he soon lowered his weapon, face still shocked.

"P-princess, what are you doing here.." He said bowing his head down.

"I just took a little walk, and saw you training so I thought why not join you. I wanna see the power of Harbingers with my own eyes."

"A-are you sure your highness..? I don't think you should even be here-" he raised his head while talking but I cut him off by charging on him with my sickle ready for attack.

But he stopped me, using swords made by water. Hmm this will be interesting... I wonder what would happen if I freeze them!

As I infused my weapon with cryo his sworsd froze becoming stronger. I steped away "Ok try attaking now." I said as he looked at his swords.

He didn't waste any time as he charged back at me. His attacks seemed weaker then the first one. Maybe because he wasn't used to icey weapon.

I decided I've had enough of our little sparing. I jumoed away freezing ground in front of him making him stumble. Then I got closer and put my blade under his head.

"You've got the skill, tho I thought you'd be better..." I said smirking.

"Tomorow, same time here. I wanna see if you can get better." I declared as I started walking away.

"Deal... my annoying princess." Were last words he said. How dsre he say that I'm annoying!? Oh he's really gonna get it tomorow...

I think I'm gonna finish this here.. my chapters are usually longer so be prepeared for future, the first two chapters will be short to keep you in anticipation 😉

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