5. Ananya's Neighbor(A)

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Khushi was curious to know the man who came to her door, late in the evening. She hoped what she thought shouldn't turn out right. She can't handle the shock and is not hoping for one. Nah! She is just fed up and can't deal with him now.

She followed after the watchman with the thoughts in her mind and she saw the man.

Huh! God's hand has blessed her head.

Her hope turned positive and he isn't the one. Nonetheless, she was shocked.

Have you seen yourself in a situation where you didn't want to handle the shock for some reason, yet get the kind of shock for some other reason?

Ananya was experiencing the moment now. On one side, she is relieved for not getting the exact shock and on the other side, she is shocked for getting not-an-exact shock. Period.

"You?" she screamed, opening her mouth a little, not able to get further words on her tongue.


Sia had her little pinky finger enclosed between Arnav's fist. They had searched for the little ball all around their Mansion with no luck.

Indeed there was no luck!

Both of them, Nikhil and Sia, the niece and uncle pair have decided to search in their neighbor's Mansion. And here they're standing in front of the Mansion, waiting for the Mansion's owner's permission.

It's been a long time since they played cricket in their home and at that point in time, this Mansion was newly built by the builders their family-owned. It's been a month since this Mansion was bought by another person from his Dad. He didn't know who bought this Mansion.

It was not his Business!

It was his Dad's and he never intended to involve himself in the family business.

Poor lad! Only if he made it his business, at least, in the matter of the Mansion that stood just beside their home, he'd been too lucky.

Alas! Luck has decided to test his patience.

And his patience had resulted in sweet indeed. Only that he didn't know.

Sia has been rolling her eyes around the Mansion to catch her ball, standing in front of the huge gate waiting along with her devilishly handsome Darling-Uncle who had how-much-more-time-will-i-have-to-wait written on his face.

Whoa! The five-foot-eleven-inches tod who wore sexy Rubgy night clothes on his body didn't know his wait will result in his luck.

Did we say luck is bored of dancing on his or something like that?

Well, it's the time to throw it in the whoever-said-it faces.

Luck has just taken a rest for some time or has been tired and was sleeping!

Well, dancing takes a lot of energy too! Poor luck!

"You?" Nikhil who was rolling his eyes around the Mansion just like his niece has recognized the voice. He had his face on the left of the Mansion.

Did he start dreaming in the middle of the road already?

"Great, Nikhil! Just great," he mumbles, and the night is still young and peaceful. Dark night, a sky full of stars, and a visibly half moon filled the silence at the moment.

It was Ananya was able to hear his silent mumble, "Excuse me, what?"

Nikhil who still mumbling nonchalant words a visibly confused Sia looked at him mumbling and two of the watchmen who had weird expressions on them, looked at him.

Heartless DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora