Chapter 2: Hopeless Romance

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Chapter 2

Day 41.

-Yawn- "Huahh..Good morning you guys!" We've been very careful lately. We still haven't seen any people nor the things that are making those voices.. We're starting to run out of food. "Morning.." Rose said. She seemed more calm now from how long we been here. Trin and Kayden got up. "Morning aura.." Trin said weakly. "So what are we gonna do today?" I asked. "Well.. we've only been going to places close to the base, I want to know what's more out there in the ikea.." Kayden said. I lit up "Your right kayden! We should go a little bit further and see what's there. Maybe we can find more people?" Trin nodded. "Yeah i agree! But we got about 10 hours until the store closes again. So we have enough time to look around for a little." As Trin checked her phone. "Then what are we waiting for, let's go!" Rose said quite excitingly. Good to see she isn't so scared anymore. Rose grabbed my hand and we hopped out of the base. She looked around. "Hmmm...Lets goo.. Over there!" She pointed left. I followed her with her still holding my hand. I stared at it for a moment, Rose looked at me "Hey are you ok?" She notices her hand, "Ah! Im so sorry i mean we're friends i mean it doesn't matter if we're holding hands i mean ahaha?" I looked at her and laughed. "Hahaha don't get all flustered rose." I smiled. Rose blushed a bit, "Come on lets keep going!"

I grabbed her hand again. Trin and Kayden went their own way. We saw more pallet shelves and medkits. We grabbed some just in case. As we kept walking we saw a garden area "Whoa! Fences and more seats! Face grass oooo..." Rose seemed amazed. I had a feeling time passed quickly, but I shrugged it off. After a while we found a cafeteria, we grabbed some food. "We should go back." I said Rose looked at me, "We have 10 hours we will get there in time!" I looked up into the fog. "It doesn't feel like we have 10 hours left..Come on let's go just in case." Rose kept moving along, being amazed. I felt nervous. "Come on rose.." I got worried, "No no its fine its not a big of a deal!" Rose grabbed some supplies. "Alright let's go!" "Phew.." I sighed of relief. We walked back remembering where we were before. Suddenly once we were almost there I heard a clock ticking. Echoing getting louder and louder. "Huh..?" We saw the base we started to trot over to it.

-BAM- The lights turned off. "Wha.." Trin and Kayden were in the base already. "WHERE WERE YOU GUYS QUICK COME IN THE BASE!!" Trin shouted. We ran over to it as fast as we could. Then we heard a voice, "The store is now closed. Please exit the building.." We turned around. There was a man with an ikea worker shirt. Blue jeans and no face at all, He was terrifying. Our eyes went wide. Trin lifted up the ladder from being scared. "AURA, ROSE RUN NOW!!" We bolted over to the base. With the worker following up behind, Rose tripped. "GAH!" "Rose!!" I stopped. "NO.. GO WITHOUT ME I CAN HANDLE THIS!" Rose shouted. "I'M NOT LEAVING YOU!" I yelled. "Please Aura!!" She started to have tears in her eyes. More voices would be heard. There were three more workers. "AURA HURRY!" Kayden shouted. I looked around with tears forming in my eyes, "Aura.." Rose looked up at me. "...Yes..?" "I...Lo.-" The workers would Cover her. I couldn't see her anymore, She was being dragged into the mist. She smiled as she disappeared. "R..ROSE!!!!!!" I screamed. "AURA GET IN HERE PLEASE!!" Trin yelled" I started to cry and ran to the base quickly. I slam myself against the pallet wall sobbing. Trin sat next to me, "We...Lost rose.." I said, crying a whole waterfall. "She sacrificed herself for you.." Trin said, then frowned. Kayden sat across looking down. "It's all my fault.." I cried. "It's no one's fault." Trin said. Kayden started to tear up. "It's mine.." He said. "What..?" Trin raised an eyebrow. "I shouldnt of mentioned going far.. If I didn't mention it rose would still be here..So it's my fault." He looked droopy. "Listen it's no one's fault ok we didn't know!" Trin raised her voice a bit. "What if.. We build higher?" I questioned. "Building higher..?" Kayden lit up for a second. "I saw a drone flying by in the mist and it had food and medkits. I think they were helping others!" He said. "Did you follow the drone??" I asked. "Well.. I kinda lost it." He said. I sighed. "I want to be alone right now.. I placed the ladder to the upstairs and crawled up. I sat in the corner and began to sob, after a while I thought of the memories I had with rose. "I loved her." I said to myself. "After all these years i.. I thought one day we would.. Be together but now..That will never happen..Now she's dead." My eyes got tired from crying, and I fell asleep.

"What will i do without her.."

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