I am back!

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'Tess, Tess wake up' Tess heard someone's voice from far away and as he opened his eyes the sunlight on his face was blinding. But before he could close his eyes, someone put a hand over his eyes and helped Tess sit.

He felt salt water in his throat and was all confused. Once the world around him was not spinning anymore, Tess looked up to see who the person next to him is. That was no one other than his enemy, Pakorn.

'Why are you here?' Tess tried to get up but lost his balance as Pakorn held him with a frown.

'That stupid brat wanted to kill himself or what? be happy that you are still alive' Pakorn hissed.🙁

'This means I am back, right?' Tess looked around and finally focused his gaze on Pakorn.

'Hi...' Tess put his arms around Pakorn's shoulders. 'It was a long journey we had...' and dropped his head to his shoulder.

'let's get back... you need a shower first' Pakorn pushed Tess away and guided him towards the boat.

When they were back on the mainland and were in Pakorn's car, Tess turned towards Pakorn with a serious face.

'What has happened to my life here? do you know?'

'We are apparently famous now' Pakorn smirked.😏

'We! Are we friends now?' Tess laughed

'Yeah, we are so close, and seems like I have forgiven you' Pakorn also laughed

A minute passed after the laugh died down

'Hey, Pakorn?'


'So, do you really forgive me?' Tess asked  in a low voice

'I came looking for you... What do you think?' Pakorn hissed again

'Thanks... so, any idea how I ended up there?' 

'The day I came back, we four, Aou and Up, were camping here... and as I woke, Talay seemed miserable as his friend was gone. He decided to stay and look for a way to go back'

'I see. Puen came to see me and hugged me thinking I was Talay, hope Talay found him' Tess sighed

'Yeah, they seemed close, and thanks to them, everybody thinks we are more than friends' 😑 Pakorn hit the steering wheel with his fist

'hey... do you think they have used our bodies for, you know, things?' 😟Tess hugged himself in disbelief

'Who knows' Pakorn sighed

They reached Tess's home in silence and Up and Aou were already there with concerned faces.

'Hey Tess... you took hell a lot of time to come back' Up ran to hug him

'Yeah, we have a new project!' Aou waved some papers 

and Tess looked at Pakorn and he mimicked the same expression.

'Help!' that's all Tess could say in his mind.

'Hey, we got this' Pakorn said to Tess's ear as the other two demanded a group hug. 

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