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Finally. Today was the day you were released from prison from assaulting that gingerbread man 2 years ago. You were at McDonalds eating a juicy burger when you saw him. 


He walked into the restaurant and immediately levitated over to your table.

"HEY HEY HEY [[hot stuff]]"

"Um, hi??"


"Uhh, it's the Andrew Ta-"

"GREAT!!!! CAN I [[sit]] WITH YOU??"

"Uh, I don't really-"


You wanted to leave, but there was nowhere to go. Your house was miles away, and even though the Devil's Casino was close, you weren't going back there. Spamton came back with his burger and proceeded to talk with his mouth open. 

You start thinking you should have got an Uber.

"THIS BURGER IS [[yummy in my tummy!]]"

"That's.. nice.. Well, I'm done with my burger so I'm gonna leave now-"


"Oh my God, what now?"

"CAN I STAY AT YOUR [[Residence]] TONIGHT??]]"

"I barely even know you-"

"GREAT!! LETS GO TO YOUR [[Cungadero]]"

There was no way you were getting out of this.

idk when the next chapter is releasing so hang tight my dudes

spamton x reader (ssya3am 2)Where stories live. Discover now