Got You By the Nose

Start from the beginning

I silently sighed, then remembering the rest of my perspective. There was only one reason I had been assigned with Kanae. To keep her calm. Now that Shinobu's completed her initiation, Kanae had made a point of being attached to her at the hip, much to Shinobu's protest. It's not like she didn't like leaving Shinobu alone before, but that she'd replaced her sister's shadow. So when Shinobu got a mission at the same time as Kanae where I had to join Kanae, it didn't seem like an accident on the master's part.

"Are you feeling any better Y/n-kun?" Kanae had interrupted my thoughts rather considerately. At least I was keeping her mind off Shinobu. Not trying to be rude I nod. She claps her hands close to her chest in response.

"Considering it was a demon born ailment, it's fortunate that this is the extent it's harmed you." While she speaks I lose my gaze as it goes below her eyes. " Oh, right, I guess I shouldn't have ordered some for myself if I wasn't going to eat it, go ahead." I don't have to be told twice, never having been known to turn down soup.

"It's good to see you smile like that after all that." I almost choke but push it down.
"Oh no, are you okay Y/n-kun?!" One hyperbolic nod later she sighs releasing some tension with a hand over her chest. Her solemn expression never dies however, and she looks at me with resolve.

"I was far too reckless with your life. Let me repay you." I cough a little hoping to clear my throat to protest with no such luck. "Before the sun sets so we can patrol we can explore the town. It's quite modern, I'm sure there's something you might like." And like that we took to the town. Kanae had a great time and was thrown a couple compliments here and there, I got a farmer's hat, my eyes are already on fire. No need for the sun to add to the sensation. Kanae was a bit disappointed when I tugged her sleeve just to point out a farmer's hat so just before we were going to head out she said, "Has anyone ever told you you'd look great in tall boots?" I started off puzzled, but thought a bit on her words and developed a blush to go along with my flattery. "Come on, I think you'll love these." Dragging me with one arm twisted in mind we enter the more westernized shop, Kanae has me try on a couple tall boots before she settles on a pair of brown laced boots that reached just below my knees. Feeling satisfied out a gorgeous grin on Kanae's face as she paid the vendor.

"Thank you." kanae beams.
"Don't mention it, your boyfriend over there will love it." Kanae continues to smile as she gives me the boots before she tenses up and starts babbling about our friendly relationship. 'These really are nice boots' I think. We start heading home, hearing nothing from either of our ravens. A quiet night is complimented with a quaint gravel path through some forest we take walking side by side. The moon out again, showing only half her face, sadly her visage is getting blurrier by the month. So instead I stick my sight to the Earth getting just as great a view right next to me as I walk. Bangs arched and parted in just the right way to frame that picture perfect face. You certainly spend too much time admiring and are even caught at some point. She doesn't seem out off by it even turning to you to smile.
"Something on your mind?" I turn my gaze sheepishly causing her to giggle briefly.

" I see." I keep my head turned until I feel a tug at my sleeve. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..." I smirk. " O-Or discourage you." I blank face, finally turning back to her giving her a face that asked for confirmation. "J-Just make sure you don't trip or anything! You're in a bad enough condition y-you know..." she looks down but is able to smile again as the hand that tugged at my sleeve stays there the rest of the walk. We make it to the estate. Finally stepping on the grounds say us going our separate ways. Kanae walking fast to her room not even noticing as Shinobu walked up from behind her from the care room.

"What'd you do to her?" The younger Kocho sister asks. I shrug in response then going to rub my nape with one arm. Crossing her arms and shaking her head she continues. "You really are a piece of work. But I guess if it weren't for you it be harder to let me do missions without her so..." she had the same theory. While looking down her eyebrows raise we stare at each other for a moment before she speaks her piece, "Nice boots." I look down, as if I'd forgotten my new gift. I blush a little, but definitely don't want to admit it to Shinobu so I turn and cough after.


A/N: wooo. Another couple months, another chapter. It's kinda painful doing a  slow burn while slowly churning out these chapters. I just like my colorful prose, but not enough to publish the first set of them that I vomit onto the page. Case in point, I rewrote this not twice but thrice, I even changed tenses between them. And don't even get me started on the Miruko story who's first chapter has been rewritten more times than I can count on one hand, and the Mina story that has three unfinished chapters and one old old one shot that may never see the light of day. Good thing next to nobody reads these fics anyway. I'll get more action going in the next chapter, You'll even get to hang with Mitsuri for it! I'm looking forward to it, maybe you will to. Until next time, peace and stay foaming.

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