Crying is human

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Y/n pov:

I was shaking with pain.
My breathing pace was annoying, something was covering both my mouth and my nose.

"Kuni?" I asked, hoping to see a familiar and safe face somewhere.

*beep* *beep* *beep*
The machine kept going, it was torture to listen to it. I wished for it to be turned off.

Take me back... I don't want to be here...

"Y/n!" I heard someone yell.
It was a voice I thought I'd never hear again after two month.

The first and oldest son of a bitch came into view, as he was closer to me his face was no longer blurred.
"Get a doctor!" He yelled to someone.

And then everything slowly blurred to black, and my pain disappeared again.


I gasped as my eyes shot open, and I was back in the nice room I had in Inazuma.

I don't want to go back there.
I don't want to be able to go back.
Just die. Other me. Please just die. Leave me alone.

"The other me..." My hands clenched as well as my jaw. "Why are you still alive..." I grabbed the glass on my nightstand in anger and threw it at the wall, letting my rage out.

"Just die." "Just die already." "Just die." I mumbled over and over. My hands gripping my hair tightly.

Then there was a knock on the door and my face shot that direction.

"Y/n? Did you break a glass?" I heard his voice ask.
His voice was exactly the one I needed to hear.

I sighed while relaxing before answering Kuni, "Yeah... it was an accident." I lied.

"Do you want me to bring you a new glass?" He asked.

"No, do not worry for me. Just go back to sleep." I said.
I knew damn well he doesn't sleep, since he doesn't need to. He's a puppet. But he doesn't know that I know.

"Yeah, okay, sleep well." He said as I heard his steps walk away from my door.

I laid down under the covers again, falling asleep after a few minutes.


Me and Kunikuzushi sat together on the porch of the small hut we shared. It was located in the woods, none of us wanting a place too mixed into the city.

"Y/n, I want to cut my hair." He said, breaking the silence.

I looked at him with an interested expression. "Oh?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, would you help me? Please, I doubt I can cut it properly." He said with a nervous smile.

It seems I'll be the reason your hair is going to be uneven then.

"Alright, I can help you." I said.

I didn't mind. Few people are able to pull such a cut off, fortunately, he was one of them.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now