A Walk Home

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After the hashira meeting Uzui walks me home I ask him"We just met why are you walking me home?" He replied with "Well why not is it not flamboyant?!" I laugh a little and say goodbye to him when we get to my place then I get a funny feeling in my stomach like butterflies and can feel my face getting red and hot Uzui runs back and says " Almost forgot." And hugs me that did in I was as red as a tomato then he asks "Are you ok you look like a tomato Rengoku?!" Then I run inside and yell "Goodbye Uzui!". That night I couldn't sleep I was thinking about Uzui then dug my face into a pillow out of embarrassment. When I fall asleep I wake up holding my pillow like a person then I remember I was dreaming I forgot about what though. Then it hit me I was dreaming about Uzui and remembered what happened the night before and started to question if I was gay or not then I imagine Uzui and yep I'm gay. I think to myself what would father say would he be angry, happy, disappointed, or worse I was scared for his reaction so I thought that I should tell him another time.

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