TEN MINUTES HAD PASSED and all players were continuing to push themselves at their full potential, being mindful that the coaches were watching their every move.

They knew that if they slacked off even just a little bit, it could jeopardize their chance of staying in the academy.

Adam slashed his way around the goal crease, intertwining the puck between his skates as a defender came up behind him.

He managed to scoop up the puck with the blade of his stick and carry it, seconds before shoving it into the net.

The boy brought his arms up and turned to the defender, Guy, with a cheeky smile. "That's five for five, baby!"

Adam came to a halt. He propped his gloved hand on the top of his stick and leant is body against it. "You really need to get your D back, dude."

"I'm trying." Guy snapped as he slid up his face shield. "I don't know what's happening!"

Adam took off his helmet and shook out his hair.

"I do." Julie left the crease and skated up to the boys. "You're gun-shy. I've noticed ever since you got struck in the boards by that nasty player last year, your defense has been awful."

"Gee, thanks Julie." Guy rolled his eyes.

The blonde girl shrugged a shoulder. "I'm just being honest. You're afraid to get to close."

"Maybe you need to work with Dean to get that fear shaken out. He could slam you against the boards a few times." Adam snickered, but once noticing the glum expression Guy had on his face, he stopped.

The blonde patted Guy's back. "Sorry," he said "but you'll get it back, I know you will."

The corner of Guy's mouth lifted up into a small smile. "Yeah."

"Now c'mon guys, we've only got four more minutes left. Let's make the best of it." Julie was already on the way back to the net, but stopped once she saw the puck that Adam had shot was gone. She turned back to the boys, "We need some more pucks."

"Banks can go get them." Guy volunteered.

A sour expression fell over the blonde's face. "No, I got them last time. You go get them." 

From the way this quarrel was already looking, Julie knew how this would end if she didn't stop it. With a sigh she took off her glove and set it alongside her stick ontop of the net. "I'll go get some."

"Thanks Jules!"

"Yeah, you're the best!"

She just shook her head slightly. "Whatever"

The girl skated over to the penalty box, where a bucket of fresh, new pucks sat on the bench. Julie picked through them and took out the ones she thought were best.

As she was making her way back, something caught her ear.

"You see Banks over there? He's such a fox."

She stopped right in her tracks, a taunting grin making her way up to her lips. Julie slid up beside two girls, brows crinkled, she asked, "Did you just call him a fox?"

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