Mornings suck

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Gentle melody interrupted Sousuke's dreams.

"I'm awake... I'm awake", he snoozed the alarm and fell back.

The interrupted dream was a terrible mess of dread, panic running and feeling of inevitable doom. Should Sousuke fall asleep, the terror would return. He opened his eyes.

Sousuke stared at the ceiling. There was no reason to get up and do anything.

He did not feel rested at all. He felt worse than in the evening, shattered and powerless. The back ached.

Sousuke checked his phone. 25 likes added to his latest post on Instagram overnight, and there were several replies on Tumblr. Sousuke browsed through them, reading the comments but never replying.

Snoozed alarm went off again. Sousuke disabled it and sat on the bed. He had to get going now, or he might be late for school.

He warmed his breakfast in the microwave. Mom was on a night shift, but she left food in the fridge. Sousuke took an apple and put it into the backpack.

"I hate school," thought Sousuke putting on his bicycle helm. "Another wasted day."

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