"On the day I quit working for Lex Luthor, I snatched these blueprints," Cory continued. "My first ingredients to my recipe of grand vengeance. With these, I created these beauties. I captured those Justice League fools. Of course, there will be allies, like Superdog, to foil my plan."

Cory rolled the blueprint back up before putting it away. He even brought out the green Kryptonite blow dart from the same drawer. "So I carved a blow dart out of the green Kryptonite meteor I have stumbled upon few months later. Without the Justice League, the citizens from around the world will lose the ones they love and shall feel the loss I felt!"

The grief crazed scientist put away the Kryptonite blow dart. He then closed the the drawer. He was lost in his thoughts, imagining sweet satisfaction of vengeance... until.

"Pardon me, Price," Atticus spoke up. "Sorry to bust your bubble, but your statement contradict on what I discovered a while ago after that event."

"What do you mean contradict," Cory questioned as he turned around to glance at the older police officer. Even the girls were curious about what Atticus meant.

"A while back after the event, I went over to the shelter where the survivors from the demolished hospital you've mentioned," Atticus replied. "I even encountered your sister's doctor there. He informed me that your sister was already dead before that event."

The girls were shocked to hear that statement. Cory opened his mouth in utter shock but quickly closed it.

"M-My sister died before then," Cory asked.

"Did I stutter," Atticus inquired before continuing. "As I was saying, your sister died from a heart condition. In her last wish, she asked her doctor to see you. The doctor called a day later, you didn't paid her a visit before her passing."

"But I wasn't informed that my sister was dying before hand," Cory argued.

"Well the message was passed on from the doctor," Atticus responded.

Emily's curiosity begun to flourish. "Atticus, I have to ask. Who does Mary's doctor sent the message to?"

"I asked him the same question," Atticus replied. "And he said he passed the message to Luthor."

Cory was more shocked as he did remember that phone call before the event. He even remembered Lex told him that there was no one important to his concern. Cory now realize who he shall get his vengeance on instead as his eyes were burning with sheer fury. "Luthor. That no good calvus asinus!"

Emily's eyes bolted with shock as she understood what he spoke. "Whoa hey!"

Atticus tilted his head in confusion. "What did he say?"

Emily whispered to him along with Lucinda and Percy as she decipher the words in Latin from Cory. Even they expressed the same reaction as Emily did.

Cory brought out the button box from underneath his desk. "He's going to pay for making me lose my lost time with my sister!"

With a press of a button, the smaller test tubes of blood from the Justice League minus Cyborg were drained. The blood flowed through the cords, all the way to the bigger containment unit. It buzzed. It rumbled. It was whirring around and around. Soon enough, the containment soon stopped by the sound of a ding. Within a second, it soon exploded. Atticus shielded Emily, Percy and Lucinda from the blast of smoke. Cory shielded himself from the smoke before he lowered his arms down with a sinister grin on his face.

As the smoke faded, a humongous abomination blob of mass has been revealed from the ruins of the containment tank. A juniper green amalgamation of the Justice League emerge. It has multiple faces of the heroes wailed. The main face, which was the disorienting embodiment of Superman, opened its piercing lime green eyes. Opening its jaw, it roars to breathe. It even revealed tentacles at the bottom for legs while having skinny yet sharp hands for the top. The pungent stench of decayed fish flown from the bottom half. Atticus lowered his arms and turned around. He, Emily, Percy and Lucinda shared the reaction of both shock and disgust.

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