"It was very traumatizing. I thought I saw you threw up blood."

"It was hot Cheetos." I laughed hard, and so did he.

I closed my eyes for just a second to let myself breath. But he patted my knees.

"How're you holding up, with the-"

"The ex-boyfriend thing?"


"Better..." I could sense that Anne 'that's a lie' look he gained as he got older, so I shortened the lie and laughed, "Not so well."

One of those laughs that reveals how hurt you are before you burst into tears.

I hated myself for leaving Him with so much power over my emotions. But it's hard to move on from someone you saw everyday, made love to every other day, and told your secrets to because you trusted them.

Trust is a silly thing. Just as love.

Harry would know.

My face grew warm, and wet. Harry rubbed my knee, comfortingly. He knew this pain, this territory. But never were we both in the same state, disregarding our feelings to take care of one another. It felt foreign and I started to feel useless.

I hated that my heart hurt while his heart hurt, but maybe in a way, it'll bring us closer together.

He sniffled. "God, I hate when you cry. It makes me cry."

I opened my eyes to catch him wiping his tears. Then, I found myself crying more for afflicting my pain on him. Fuck drunk minds, and fuck stupid exes.

"Harry, don't cry." I whined.

He groaned before rubbing his eyes.

Come on," he patted my knee again, straightening himself in his spot to get up. He sniffled once more before he stepped over and offered me his hand. I stared at it, blearily. "Come on." He said again.

Then I took his hand and stood a little too fast for my head. He held my hips in place until I gained balance.

"Don't slip, you knob." He laughed. He took one of my arms over his shoulders and led us the small patio outside his room.

There weren't many people outside. Maybe a couple smoking a joint or two, converting in quiet voices.

"You think you'll be able to climb up." He pointed to the latter at the side of his house. If I hadn't gone up there so many times before, drunk me would deny, but instead she gave me a boost of confidence.

"Psh! Yeah!"

He stared at me with his eyes wide. Even I heard my loud slurred words.

"We can stay-"

"Just hold my bum up, Harry." I said, already making my way to the third step.

He gripped onto my waist firmly. All of a sudden I thought of all those times I've been touched on the waist; sexually, comfortingly. His hands felt hot, like they could burn a hole into my skin.

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