Micky’s POV

When I was telling Ella about what really happened, I was scared. I was scared that she’d tell me to get lost and not listen to my side of things. Maybe she’ll see things clearly but maybe she won’t. I just hope she does because I cannot keep holding this secret in for any longer. The only part I didn’t tell her is that Alex actually punched me like crazy because I had gotten with Ella before he could. He thought that because those two were childhood best friends that they’d get together more easily but I got there first. I got the opportunity to be her first love, the one she’ll never forget. I just hoped she never forgot me. She was my light at the end of the tunnel, my ray of sunshine but that light was soon to be extinguished.

   I walked back to Greg and Dan with my phone, I was still waiting on her saying something to my latest statement but she was just quiet. I could hear her breathing on the side but everything was too muffled for me to hear.

“She said anything?” Greg whispered to me. I shook my head in a no formation but I was scared as to what she would say. I was scared in case she began shouting at me and I couldn’t deal with even more pain. Being away from her when we were just getting started to be friends again hurt. I wanted our friendship to turn back into love but when I’m always away from her that couldn’t happen, she’d be better with either Alex or William. I’m just the loser of a popstar.

“Micky, you alright? You’re crying” Dan whispered. What? I’m crying? When the hell did that happen? I never felt my eyes water. I quickly hung up the phone and ran into the toilet of our tour bus; I didn’t want anyone else to see me cry, especially not over an ex.

“Micky, come out. No one will judge you for crying. We all do it, it’s what makes us human,” Greg said while tapping on the door. I know my friends mean well but who in their right mind cries over a girl? No boy ever does but how am I so stupid?

“Micky, Greg’s right, crying about Ella won’t make it alright. We know you miss her and you have every right to cry about her but is she worth it? Think about that but come on you need to come out. We have a show soon”

“You don’t know what it’s like to love someone so bad that having to break up with them it hurts. I broke Ella like Alex broke me. He made me break up with her and if I didn’t he’d expose my gay kiss when I was drunk. Everything isn’t right anymore; I’ll never have Ella’s trust anymore nor her loving. I need to admit that things are done. There is no more Ella and I but I can’t, it’s too hard” I knew I spoke truth, I knew everything I said was right but it wasn’t so easy. Nothing was ever easy.

William’s POV

I was missing Ella like crazy but I knew I had to give her space. She needed to have her family and friends around her. She needed loving I couldn’t give her. I wanted to give her the love Micky had given her but I knew I couldn’t. She wouldn’t accept it because she was too busy fawning over Micky. It was Micky this and Micky that, I was angry that she was still thinking of him but I knew she’d loved him for over 3 years, he was her first love and she’ll always remember him.

   I was hanging around with Alex because he was the only one who understood what I was going through. He too loved Ella and found it hard to break through her ‘Micky’ walls.

“Will, I don’t know as to why you’re so hung up on Ella, she’ll always be the one for Micky and he’d do anything to get her back, you know that right?”

“Of course I know that. However, I just can’t help but dream. I just want her to be mine because I understand what she’s going through and I understand what she’s feeling. I’m going through the same thing she is Alex so I know. I know everything” I whined, I knew everything she felt. I knew every emotion but there was absolutely nothing I could do. Nothing at all.

Ella’s POV

I was terrified, everything now seemed real. Micky knew of my proper feelings and I’m pretty sure that he knows of my kiss with William. I just had to blurt everything out with Dale but I certainly couldn’t lie to my own baby brother.

“Don’t beat yourself up about it Ella. I love you all right but listen to Micky’s explanation and his reasoning because he’s certain. He’s being truthful and you need to listen for once in your damn stubborn life. He protected you but also himself. You know Micky isn’t gay, you were with him for years and you know he was drunk that night because you know he went out as you had a girly night with Charlotte, Maria and Rachel. You also know Alex will do anything, I mean anything to get you. He’d use anybody and anything to get to you. You know he’ll use William next, look, Ella just keep your eyes open to everything. You’ll be fine if you keep your eyes open”

“Dale, would I be stupid if I took Micky back? Like seriously, would I? I love him too damn much and I don’t know anymore”

“Ella, do what your heart wants you to do. I know some people might be against you and Micky getting back but it’s completely up to you guys. You both love each other a lot so why not give it a second chance; give him time to prove himself worthy of your love though. Make him work for it. Don’t give in too easily no matter how badly you might want to. El, do want you want but come on, I’d love a coffee right now. I know that makes me girly but I don’t care I’m parched” I knew Dale spoke sense about the whole Micky situation but how could I tell him I wanted him back without feeling too needy? It was merely impossible but everything’s possible. Right? I hope so.

A/n: -

I know it's not much but it's the best I can do in the horrendous situation I'm in right now.  My college interview went fine on Friday, the guy that interviewed me said I had a good chance of getting in due to my grades being good and my core skills being better than required since I sat an HNC course the previous year. My dad is um, I don't know much. He's got a total of 3 infections now and his kidney isn't functioning and his potassium levels are pretty high too. Not exactly in the good boat right now. I have limited time to write but I can when I need to but it's hard. However, I am trying. I re-did the prologue and changed it so you may wanna read that again but if I did a prequel to this - like showcased their lives as friends and then as lovers and the whole baby situation, would anyone read it?  If you would comment or whatever but thank you for the support this stories had but I still have ideas for it and it's still continuing :) but thank you 

Long authors note, I know. 

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