3. Spending Time With Those You Love

Start from the beginning

"Wear these Dray and then we can be off for the day, we'll be back before dinner Otiz come on you too Coco and Sora we have to go" and he pulled Draco out of the cottage and headed to the little shop by them and got some water and juice and soon they were looking at the forest path.

"So where are we going?" said Draco as he stared at the path eating a sandwich he had managed to make before Harry dragged him off.

"There is something I can sense up this path and I wanted to explore but Muggle means" and he smiled at his boyfriend

"Really we have to walk all the way up?"


"That's mean I could Apparate us there I have got my licence after all" said Draco looking a tad smug

"Yeah yeah.... no not happening Draco we are here on a Muggle holiday we are walking this plus we don't know the end so you can and I don't want to get splinched thank you very much you only just got it I don't want to end up all over the UK"

"Fine but you will pay"

"Fine I'll buy you those cakes you want but they only come out at Christmas though they aren't in stores yet"

"Fine!" he pouted and ran after Harry as he started to walk up the path "hey don't leave me behind!"

As they hiked up the mountain they saw so many different potion ingredients and picked some as they would use them at some point even if it wasn't in school they would use them during their holidays and plus Severus would like some as he hadn't been able to get any due to the twins being needy at the moment.

"Dad will love these" and he picked them and went about preserving them smiling the whole time which made Draco smile it had been a long long while seeing Harry fully relax and it was only namely during summer and the rest of the year between it was all hell due to Dumbles and his stupid ideas.

As they headed further up the mountain they caught glimpses of animals: deer's that came up to Harry sniffled and licked him making him laugh Draco got butted gently, rabbits that would let them pull out loose hair to keep, foxes that Otiz in his animal form played with, the boys were able to play with the squirrels around them and give them some nuts and berries.

They stayed away from the wild boars and badgers that they could see they didn't want to get hurt even though their familiars would be able to protect them but they were in their forest it was their home after all.

They looked up and saw so many birds flying about and a goshawk landed on Draco of all people and preened him for a bit, though out all of this Harry was taking so many pictures he was going to make a photo album of all of his summertime adventures and this would just add to it all.

"This place is amazing Dray what do you think?" shows him the picture of him and the hawk the hawk still sitting on his shoulders.

"Wonderful Hads this place is amazing who knew this was here I..." he almost fell when the goshawk flew into the air and flew off but not too far.

"I think she wants you to follow her" said Coco as she flew in the air waiting for them

"Lets follow her!" and Harry ran off towards the hawk as she launched herself into the air

"Harry wait up! your dad's are so going to kill me if you get hurt, one will most likely poison me while the other will just out right AK me he may not be insane but he is the Dark Lord"

"Nah he wouldn't hurt you, dad poison yes, papa AK nah not happening no come on!"

They ended up running and laughing pushing each other slightly as they followed the goshawk which they had named Myst due to her disappearing like mist and a mystery as she had found them.

They stopped at what looked like a cave of sorts Myst waiting on a rock nodding her head to tell them that it was ok to head inside and at first they were scared but when they looked at their familiars who were heading inside they followed slowly

"Be safe young ones" said Myst in a ghostly form before she disappeared completely from view, she looked familiar if they only looked hard enough they would have noticed that it was Lilly Potter

The boys followed the slightly lit cave in the distance they could hear water of all things, the cave sloped down gently they they wouldn't fall or hurt themselves but it was strange Harry had never been here but he knew the path and kept commenting to Draco to watch where he walked so he wouldn't get hurt.

They soon came to a stop where another figure stood and as it came into full view they saw that it was a stag of all things and it looked like it was wearing glasses, it jumped around making them follow him further into the cave before he too disappeared the image of James Potter was never seen as both boys gasped at what they were seeing it was an underground waterfall of all things surrounded by a underground forest, it was a forest within a forest of al things never had they had seen anything like this before.

They soon came to a stop where another figure stood and as it came into full view they saw that it was a stag of all things and it looked like it was wearing glasses, it jumped around making them follow him further into the cave before he too disa...

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"Oh wow!"

"Yeah! what you said"

Harry's stomach growled making him blush

"Lunch first Harry right then we can go swimming ok" said Draco as he got the blanket and basket out thanking Merlin for spells they sat and watched the waterfall while they ate their lunch Harry leaning on Draco he was tired after hiking for so long it was such a nice place to be with just them for a change they never had before or it was such a long time since it happened.

As they watched Harry dozed off it appeared that he had been up a lot longer than Draco knew about, he watched the familiars in the water playing he moved Harry so then his head was in Draco's lap brushing his hair away from his face.

An hour later Harry woke up to Draco reading a book "huh?"

"Ah so you're awake it seems nice of you to join us Harry"

"It's Hadrian and you know it Draco or do I have to use your full name?"

"No no it's fine, come on I want to go swim before he have to head back to the noise that is out family" and he changed into his swim shorts that he had found when he looked through Harry's bag.

They were both soon swimming and being watched over by Lilly and James.

Hours later they were back and were so tired that they barely ate anything and fell asleep on the sofa holding hands curled around each other this made everyone awe at them and Severus being Severus took a picture of them and he would have it developed and put on display later on

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