The crowd around Riley begins to bustle as reporters commence broadcasting the main event...

"Today is a momentous day. As you know I have a soft spot for the Royal Regatta, and it remains one of my favorite events of the social season. Because this event has always held historical significance and personal importance, I have chosen today to make my announcement... that at the end of the social season, I'll be stepping down as your reigning monarch... and in a few weeks' time, Prince Liam will be your new king."

Liam takes in a deep breath and is too stunned to move. Several reporters lob questions at the King, but he sliences them by raising his hand

"I expect you all have questions. I promise you in due time that I'll release an official statement. For today, allow an old man time to enjoy the festivities. Let the Regatta begin!"

As he steps down, Liam leads Riley away from the crowd towards the docks...

"Liam... are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. But it's... a shock, let's say. I always knew my father would retire... just not so soon. To realize that I'm going to become King in a matter of weeks... well. That's a lot."

"Not many guys have to ascend to the throne and choose a wife all at once..."

"It means that my future bride will be thrown directly into the role of the queen."

"It seems like this really caught you off-guard."

"My father usually keeps my counsel on all matters. I wonder why he didn't discuss this with me... but I'll talk to him later. For now, he's right. We should just try to enjoy today."


She reaches out to touch him but notices some members of the press have followed them...

"We should answer a couple of questions to satisfy them. Time to put on our best smiles."

"No can do." She looks up into his eyes, "I only reserve my best smiles for you..."

"At least give them half your best."

Riley stops, allowing the press to catch up with them

"Your Highness... a few questions please?" Brine from CBC holds out his hand to grab their attention

"Of course..."

"The King's announcement was quite a surprise! What do you think about it? When did you find out?"

"As much as I'd love to answer, my father has made it clear he'll issue a statement later. For now, I can't comment."

"If you can't talk about the announcement, then we'll have to talk about something else... you're looking awfully friendly with the mystery woman..."

"Is that what they're calling Lady Riley?"

"The public does find her enigma. But let's cut to the heart of the real mystery... What's the connection between you two? After all, the social season's almost half over. And with the King's announcement, you're basically choosing the future queen in a matter of weeks..."

"I was aware my future bride would be queen. The immediacy of my becoming king doesn't change much at this time..."

Several flashes from the various camera crews go off. Riley steps up next to Liam

"You want to know what's going on between the Prince and me? I care for him, but we are still getting to know each other."

Liam smiles at her and she grins back at him.

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