[ Chapter 1 ]

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      Wow my head killed.

      That was the first thing that ran through my mind when my eyes cracked open. It was a sore pounding pain and made me feel super dizzy.

      My eyesight was blurry but I knew I had no idea where I was. Wait, what? Who am I. Why can't I remember anything. I remembered blurs but nothing but that. Pieces of words but not full sentences.

      Slowly my eyesight began to register my surroundings and I realised I was in some sort of tub. What the fuck. I was reaching up to attempt to touch the transparent frosted glass of the tub when I realised that my arm was restricted by an entanglement of wires.

Seriously, what the fuck! Panic waved over me as if it was a blanket at the shock of the situation. What didn't help was a constant beeping sounding from the other side of the frosted glass. If I could actually move my arm then I could wipe away some of the ice to pin point the noise!

      Feeling tears begin to brim my dry eyes, sort of thankful for the moisture, I tried to speak for help but no sound was produced. My throat was scratchy and felt dead. I felt dead.

      Sobbing quietly in the frozen chamber I lay, left to my own thoughts. Feeling them fade away slowly from blurs of my mind to nothingness was a painful feeling.

Then i heard a door slam, open or shut who knows. Footsteps making their way towards me. Closer... closer.... no wait they're going past me. Panic flashed through me again did they know I was here? Trapped.

     I tried another feble attempt to move my arm when this time I tried I managed to stretch some of the cables. A thin smile began to form on my lips but turned into a frown one more when the beeping got louder. What even is that.

Stretching my arm more and more I finally managed to touch the very edge of the glass. Some of the wires were stuck into my arm with needles so when I had moved it, it really hurt. Tap, tap, tap. I drummed as hard as I could on the frosted window i'm an attempt to get whoever it was to acknowledge I was there.

The beeping stopped.

Thank god. Then I saw a shadow move over to the frozen tub I was in and lean closer. Red glinting eyes peered inside and honestly creeped me out. They widened as they pulled away and once again rushed over to the side of me. I felt clicks on the side of the tub and suddenly the lid opened! Fresh air hit me in my face and smothered me. Wow I hadn't realised that I was dying of lack of oxygen.

The figure appeared by my side again. It was a man. A weird one, blue disheveled hair and bloodshot red eyes which were scanning me up and down as I lay there helplessly dangling from wires and cables. Humiliatingly.

He grumbled to himself, "Couldn't have picked a better time?" He darted forward and began precariously removing the needles from my body to de tangle the wires and hopefully 'free' me.

This was when I started to analyse him. He had a sour expression but what was only hidden under a strange sort of mask. It looked to be made of ceramic and had blue painted in some areas. It only revealed half of his mouth and both of his (as i said before) bloodshot, piercing red eyes. His toothpaste blue hair was almost as fluffy and destroyed as a birds nest and he wore a dangling earring, I guess you could call it that, which had a weird blue substance inside. He was wearing a navy button up with a big collared white, thin jacket. Navy trousers and black shoes, with weirdly, pink socks.

SHE IS MINE || dottore x ocWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt