Chapter 2

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Alphys - Ok,today is math test! i hope everyone is good,if not then he or her will have bad grades!

Monster Kid - Hey,where is berdly?

Susie - He was sleeping in librarby,but i think that he is sick or didn't want to come out today,hope he continue like that

Alphys - Oh,God no! i need chalks again!,hopefully i have the papers!

Susie - I Can ge-

Noelle - Me and kris can get it,alphys!


Kris quietly walks to the "Closet",but Noelle stopped him

Noelle - Kris,i need that you explain it to me now,why didn't berdly woke up,and why you was using my watch

Kris continues quiet,like if a ghost was controlling his mouth

Noelle - Kris,i know you are very introvert,and that stuff but you need to answer me now

Kris continue quiet,standing in front of noelle

Noelle - Kris,you have to say it to me


Susie - I Don't think they are getting chalk actually,i should go to check it too (actually it is to eat chalk)

Susie opens the door,and she hear everything..


Susie - Hey,tf are you doing? calm down

Noelle - What you 2 did with berdly?

Susie - Nothing?

Noelle - Why kris were with my watch?

Susie checked Kris'arms,and she saw....OH NO! IT IS A WATCH! Bet you didn't expected this one

SUSie - Kris why do you even use it? it is from noelle!

Kris continues standing quietly,without sweating,it is almost like if he was a statue,without emotions,without moving,just seeing everything,or can i say...YOU watching everything?


In the end they got the chalk,and noelle question didn't got one answer

Noelle tried to stay with kris to see it more

*Knock Knock*

Toriel - Noelle! You are here! do you want something?

Noelle - Just wanted to know if i can stay this night here

Toriel - Sure! Why not!

Toriel - Krisssss!!! Your friend is here!


They had a normal night,till everyone was "Sleeping"

Noelle heard strange noises coming from Kris room,and she saw what happened

Kris ripped the pl1ayer out and put in the cage,again

Noelle was quietly just watching everything

The Player - Again? man what is your problem? you already know that your choices don't matter here,i can get your body again,you are just a vessel to me

Kris - S h u t   u p 

The Player - Ok then! goddamnit,why do you even are like that?

Kris - You made my life an hell now

The Player - S h u t  u p


The Player - because you know you can't live wihout me

The Player - I Already  Lived in other body's,many people like me used them after me too,some did a massacre,others made the peace in the worlds,while others made the 2,they couldn't fight like you to restore their body and make their own choices,...

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The Player - I Already  Lived in other body's,many people like me used them after me too,some did a massacre,others made the peace in the worlds,while others made the 2,they couldn't fight like you to restore their body and make their own choices,you are special Kris,you are Stronger Than Me , You have no other option,though,now let's stop the drama

Noelle saw everything,and now she knows who to get the answers

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