Part 2

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I am in grade 7 and i am now close with Zweli, we are now friends.I am also friends with his friends so we are all friends,but that doesnt mean that my crush on him was over,it was still there.We are now approaching the grade 7 farewells and i heard He is asking a girl in our class to go with him.I am not gonna lie,i am so furious but i do not want to show,why cant he just take me?He does not see that in me?What do i lack?These were just questions i had no answers to.The day of the farewells approached and me and my friends were so excited. Bontle was going with her kinda boyfriend and Sihle who we befriended last year was going with her ex boyfriend,i dont know why please dont ask,its also confusing me.I did not stay far from Bontle's house so i did most of my things at her house.My dad was going to work so her father was taking us,later on Sihle arrived and also did touch ups on her light make up then we were ready to go.I was wearing a long dirty pink truworth dress that looked cute,it complimented my hairstyle,i had curl extentions(Freedom) silver stilettos which i managed to walked with them perfectly that day and a brown ish clush back,i looked so cute.Bontle had a yellow dress and silver clush bag and silver heels,also had extentions.Sihle had a white dress,silver shoes and clush, also had extentions.Later Bontle's dad dropped us off and we were now waiting to make a grand entrace with the rest of the learners.I looked around and i realised Zweli was not here though i heard he paid.As i was scanning through the crowd,a friend i met last year came and ask if he could be my date since we were both dateless,i agreed  and we ended up being each other's dates.Sihle ended up entering the hall with Neo,one of Zweli's friends.I really dont know what happened with her and her ex that day but what i know is that they didnt walk the red carpet together.I enjoyed the rest of my day with my friends on the table,i was physically there but my mind zoned to somewhere beyond this world,i would think if Zweli is joining us the following day for an excession.I was afraid to even ask Neo,his friend.

Today is saturday and i am going grocery shopping with Lili while Zweli is going to chill with his friends.I really enjoy being out of the house,these are one of the things i am allowed to do when i am out of the house.I decided to wear some jeans and just a shirt , wore a cap and my eye glasses .After i fixed myself i woke Lili up and bathe her and   got her dressed up.After we were done i asked  Zweli who was also getting ready to leave the house his bank card.He gave it to me and i left with a taxi to town.When i got there i started paying the clothes accounts then took some clothes  for my baby girl then when i was done i went to the grocery store.I shopped everything we needed in the house and i was done by 1:30 pm.I decided to get us a kfc for dinner then got me and Lili ice creams.As i was about to exit the kfc i bumped into someone and Lili's ice cream fell,she started screaming and when i checked it was a man," Ngyixolisa,sorry i didnt see you i was on a business call,let me help you clean this up"he said,he was referring to the screaming Lili's hand."Hayi,M'yeke please watch where you are going next time"i said."I will, please let me buy this young lady another ice cream".When Lili heard she was gonna get another ice cream she stopped crying.I smiled "Okay thank you."We went back inside the franchise and indeed he did buy her another ice cream but this one was bigger and more expensive than the one we first got.Lili was so happy,she couldnt stop jumping."Thank you" i said " no problem it was my fault that the princess lost her ice cream". He said an i smiled" thank you once again,we have to get going" i said taking the trolly that had the plastics."Let me accompany you to your transport"
" not thank you, i got this"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes,thanks though"insaid putting Lili in trolley.
"Stay well" i said.
"Bye ms?"
"BYE"I said leaving him there.

I got home and Zweli already left.I unpack everything and had lunch with my baby.After lunch Lili slept and i chilled and watched tv.(Knock knock) someone is knocking,i wonder who it is."Who is it?" I asked,no one answered,i went to open anyway .When i opened the door it was A guy i didnt know."Dumela" he said "Yebo?"i said confused
"I am Madlamini's older son,she asked me to give you this" he said handing me a R200 note "she said thank you,you reslly helped her during the month"
"Oh,thank you.Its Always a pleasure"i said taking the note from him".He said his goodbyes then left.
Its around 6 pm and i am cooking a pap to eat the kfc meat with,Lili is playing in her room.The door opens and its  Zweli,he does not look happy at all.I wonder who got him this crumpy.He passes me without greeting me and went to check Lili's room,he then came back to the kitchen."Why does it look like you are not ready for the dinner?" He said. Flip i forgot.
"I will get ready just now,are we allowed to bring Lilitha?"i asked.
"No Lelo,who brings a child to a business meeting"
I switched off the pap and went to Madlamini's house to ask her to babysit for me.Luckily for me she agreed.I went back to the house to fetch Lili with her toys and snacks.
When i got back to the house,Zweli was busy getting ready and i joined him.
After we were done we left.I went for a simple look,i wore a dress Zweli bought for me on my graduation and some nice heels ,didnt put too much make up tjen a weave my mom bought for me before we stopped talking,its the only weave i own.
We got to his boss' house and as usual,it was time to play happy couple.One thing about Zweli is that he will pretend like everything is okay as soon as he sees people.He is a totally different person,he kisses my chicks and calls me "baby" but as soon as we are alone he is this monster.We knocked and we  were welcomed by their maid.I forgot to mention that Zweli's boss is super rich and Zweli is working as his IT specialist,he is his boss' favourite employer."Welcome guys"his boss said,"Hey Beautiful"he said again kissing my hand"Zweli,you must make sure you treat her like a queen she is"he said and i just blushed or pretended to blush,i am not sure.
We walked to the dining room and found Mrs Smith,the boss's wife."Hey darling," she said flashing a smile.
"Hey Mrs Smith how are you"
"I told you not to call me that, its Lucinda,darling."
"Oh sorry,Hey Lucinda how are you?"
"Im good my darling how are you?"
"Im also good" i said,then we both laugh.
"Mhm an inside joke?"Mr smith asked.
"Dont worry about it,hey Zweli how are you" Mrs Smith responded.
"Im good Mrs Smith,how are you?'
"Im good,you may be seated.Let me call Mariam to bring the beverages.Mariam!"She shouted.
Sis Mariam walked in with the juice,wine and whiskey.Juice was for me,Wine was for Mrs Smith,or should i say Lucinda and Whiskey was for Zweli and Mr Smith.
We chatted over some bevarages.
"So how is my grandchild doing?" Lucinda asked.She refers Lili as her granddaughter because she takes me and Zweli as her children.
"Well,beside being naughty day by day she is doing well"
"What did she do now"
"Just the other,she almost got burned.I was busy cooking and your baby girl decided she wants to touch the stove,luckly i turned around shile she was still trying to reach for the pot on the stove"
"What?" Zweli  asked.He kind of sturtled me but i managed to cover it.
"Yes,umh didnt i tell you?"
I could tell he was angry under all the act he was doing.
"Maybe you forgot to mention it" he faked a smile.
"These toddlers will be the death of you."  Mr Smith said.
"Dont even mention it baby,remember when Luke was still young he almost drowned" that was Mrs Smith
"What?" I asked out of shock.
"Yes" she continued telling us the story.
The dinner was over and we just got home.I fetched Lili from MaDlamini's house and she was fast asleep,i managed  to place her on her court without waking her up.I went back to the bedroom and i found Zweli already in his pyjama trouser.
"So you almost burnt my kid and didnt even care to tell me? "He asked.Damn here we again.
"She didnt burn so i didnt think it was important. Im sorry"
"Sorry for what dammit" he walked closer to me.Before i could even answer he slapped me real hard ."Answer me dammit you wsnt to kill my baby? "
"IM SOR.." He slapped the other cheek."You are useless
Nompumelelo!You are useless maan.Nxa Dammit"He went to his side and got inside while mumbling something.
As for me, i was left there like a frozen chicken.I was silently sobbing because i didnt want to make him more angry than he already is.After what felt like 20 minutes,i finally moved and went to sleep.

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