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Jason was a nobody but a miraculous event changed his life & this all happened to him in a near death experience
what happens when the most ugly & unpopular nerd turns charming, powerful and extremely wealthy overnight.

Jason POV

A nerd, noob , loner, ugly & unpopular all sorts of bad high school names are used against me
My name is Jason Rollins am 17,
Am an orphan I never knew who my parents are and according to our guardians at the orphanage someone found me naked and crying by the roadside when I was about few days old & he kindly brought me to the orphanage
Long story cut short I barely made it to the public high school

I suffered all kinds of atrocities all through highschool and by atrocities I mean bullying.
Am always the best test subject of pranksters even at the end of grade ten and no amount of detention and all kinds of punishment could stop them and I pretty much got used to it .

Today is all about new beginning and currently in Fanville junior high (fictional) my hell hole for almost all my life where I had NO friends, that's why they call me a loner, am weak cause I get bullied even by girls I now treat them as if they don't exist but come on!! Am a boy for crying out loud 😭
I once had a crush on Samantha Williams our hot class president & I thought reality was like fantasy stories where a boy confess his love to a girl & they kiss and become a they become a thing, well that Does not work in real life ok.
Yeah you guessed right I went to confess to Samantha my one week planned speech and freaking guess what?. All I got in return was a slap on my face and series of verbal abuse😫. And the worst part was that she was shouting to gain more attention. I was so embarrassed my head hung down in shame while tears happily rolled over my cheeks while one sentence resounded in my mind " I can Never ever be with an Ugly Orphan looser like you no one wants to."
On that day Samantha Williams showed her true self and I always avoid her cause she makes my life a living hell, her charming smile alone can make jocks kill me☠️.

So much for my boring history lessons. As I continue telling myself that 'this is the last year of high school '

My goals for the school year
Scholarship - achievable
Make friends - unachievable
Impress teachers - super achievable
have a girlfriend - Impossible
Getting laid - 🤨 do even listen to yourself?

Well that's that lets see what this year will bring for me 🤷
But just know one thing a🖕 to the author of my story

I walk through the hallway in black hoodie sweater and blue Jean trousers while seeing jocks especially the basketball team they are the most vicious yet successful team they even won the Fanville state championship last year.
Well one of them was a thorn in my ass😓 and that is Andrew borne, nice name huh well I hate him.
He's currently Samantha's boyfriend but that's not why I hate him, he's handsome but that's not why I hate him either & lastly he's a jerk, aha that's the one ! He is a bully & a jerk & Samantha always uses him to get me in trouble. Infact I think that they are a match made in hell 🔥👿👹.
I saw them making out in hallway I feel like throwing up 🤢🤮so nasty <shivers> anyway I need to avoid them at all costs
I brace myself as I walk through the hallway to my locker while looking down, I saw the cheerleaders giggling while pointing at me & don't think they are interested in me they are not & I learnt it the hard way oh hey the nasty scars on my back can attest to that.
Finally I made it to my locker and did my boring business there before closing my locker to head to my first class (author:☹️ oh no PLS don't say it 😟😰),"CALCULUS"!!!(😬Nooooooooooo).

Jason 🤯
well just three steps away from my locker I swiftly jumped over a leg meant to trip me landing safe and sound I've been practicing for weeks & then I heard his voice
" I see you're learning loverboy but you're never safe from me"
I gulped because I have gotten the majestic attention of the school's pretty boy
Andrew borne!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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