I get out of this car and start walking and my brother pushes me to the floor and tells me"I'm getting the better room in the house, your not"
I told him "yk, auntie is going to give me the better room because I'm a girl right and she's a feminist" Diego rolled his eyes and my aunt showed me and my brother where are rooms are going to be I get my own restroom!! Ofc I do I'm the better sibling
Anyways you can imagine how the room looks if you want!

"GUYS I want you guys to know that you guys are very much welcomed her and this is your home as well,I'm happy you guys are staying with me and our neighbors are coming for dinner that want to meet you if that's ok!" My aunt told us "Yeah ofc just tell me what time there coming so I know when to get ready" I replied "do you know if they have kids around are age" Diego asked "well they have two boys who are 16 they have one girl who's 17 and then they have another son who's 8" my aunt replied to him "oh ok, just let me know what time they're coming over!" Diego then went back to his room "do you need help like cooking or anything?" I asked my aunt "no it's ok hun, you can go unpack some of your things get yourself settled in!" "Well ok then, bye" I ran upstairs to my room

When I get to my room I start unpacking some of my things and then open my curtains to get some sunlight by this time the sun was doing down so I started to get ready I didn't do to much I curled my hair and added some makeup I didn't need to add to much because I already had lashes on, less work for me at I right?! I then went to pick my outfit I didn't wanna go over the top but didn't want to be to plain so I just picked pants over a dress!

When I get to my room I start unpacking some of my things and then open my curtains to get some sunlight by this time the sun was doing down so I started to get ready I didn't do to much I curled my hair and added some makeup I didn't need to add ...

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(If you don't like it, deal w it bitch)

At this point I was already ready and so was Diego we were just waiting to hear someone ring the doorbell or knock around 6:20 we hear a knock "COMING" my aunt yelled we hear footsteps but I didn't wanna go downstairs until my aunt called me down she then yelled "DEIGO AND CAMILA COME DOWN ARE GUEST ARE HERE" as I walked out of my room I saw Diego walking the same time and he want going to be the first one down not on my watch...

Me and him started racing down the stairs and I push him and he falls we were like on the second to last step so it wasn't a big fall "BABABA, You're a dumbass dude" I laughed historically and I forgot there was guest around so I stopped I scratched my neck "sorry..." I told them "no worries hunny are kids fight way worse!" A lady softly smiled at me "oh sorry, I'm Jessica it's nice to have you guys as neighbors.... This is DJ my husband and my kids Jayla,Jayden,Javon and Daelo" she points at some kids "oh well it's nice to meet you guys" me and Diego say in sync

Jayden's pov:

Today my mom said that we were going to go have dinner with our neighbors because someone busted moved in I didn't really want to go but my mom forced me not a while ago I was on insta scrolling just looking cause I was board and saw the most prettiest girl I commented and she replied i asked to hang and she said yeah. When we went over to go eat there was a girl there named Camila and she looks just like the girl I found on insta but maybe I was overthinking it.. I found out we were going to the same school so I can just ask for her insta and if it's the same insta user then I know it's her!

End of Jayden's POV

"Well sweetie show them the game room while I finish up here" my aunt said in a sweet innocent voice "yeah ofc....follow me" I started walking and Diego started pushing me around "bro stop, ima beat your ass when everyone's gone watch" I wispernd in his ears "like you can" I elbowed him in the stomach and then opened the door to the game Room "Holy shit this is cool" some bald kid said "I'm sorry but what's you name again?" I asked "oh it's Javon it's kinda easy to remember I'm the one with no hair and Jayden is the one with curly hair!" He replied "oh well thank you Javon.."

Jayden,Javon and Diego were playing games and me and Jayla were talking "so do you know what school you going to go yet?" Jayla asked "oh yeah some school name Bundford or idk something like that.." I replied "oh Jayden goes to that school.."

"Oh really how about Javon why doesn't go there?" I asked "no he's homeschooled.." she replied "why?" I asked "oh it's because he's famous and he has a lot of this on his plate so it's kinda hard for him to like stay on track with things." She replied in such a calm voice like it didn't matter that he was famous well I guess not to her because that's her brother so I'm sure she's used to it by now am I right?

"Hey lemme get your socials" she replied "oh yeah sure" I give her my socials and number and she makes a group chat with Javon,Jayden,Diego and me in it I mean I ain't complaining... "DINNERS READY!!" My aunt yelled we all run to the kitchen and sit down. We start talking and we bring up sports "so Camila do you play any sports or have any activities?" Dj asked "well I'm yeah I play volleyball and I sometimes do boxing for fun.."
"Wait really?" Javon asked "no I made it up" I replied "damn I was excited to know someone else who does boxing" he said in a sad tone putting his head down "I'm joking dude.. wait so you do boxing?" I asked "yeah me and Jayla" he replied "do you guys do any other sports?" I asked "yeah I act and do volleyball!" Jayla replied "i do acting as well" Javon kinda yelled out "oh that's cool" I low-key felt bad because Jayden was being left out and I wanted to include him

"So Jayden do you do any sports?" I asked him "yeah I play baseball.." he replied not showing affection "yeah that's cool so what's your favorite baseball team?" I asked "don't have one, what about you?" He asked "well I'm a big dodger fan my heart goes out to number 50" I replied "she's been crushing on him since the first time we went to a dodger game" Diego interrupted me we all kept having a good conversation and connecting with one another

I really did feel welcomed and when I was talking to Jayla,Jayden and Javon it for some reason felt like I knew them my whole life and I don't know why I felt like that but I liked it!

Dinner was over and I they all left I was able to get there socials and numbers and I realized that Jayden was the guy I was flirting with on insta I'm gonna add him and then tell him that I'm Camila and that I'm his neighbor because yk that's like a more human thing to do but I don't know if he'll think I'm ugly in really life and just a catfish on line and I also have to go to school with him so I'm so fucked....and I'm also fucked more because of that girl Ava what is she's popular and tries to destroy my world and i don't know what her and Jayden have going on and i don't wanna be a home wrecker what will I do then...?

I tried not to think about it to much instead I went upstairs and got ready for bed I did my night routine and get into my pjs I put on a movie and got into bed I was about to close my curtains but I saw Jayden he looked so fine he had no shirt on and I just couldn't keep my eyes of on him then he turned around and saw me I closed me curtains and tried going to sleep to forgot about this. I hope he forgets about this...

Authors note:

Hey guys if you read all the way to this point thank you so much and maybe add a 🌺  emoji so I know who stayed if anything please give me ideas or nay recommendations for anything this is my second time writing a book so I'm not a pro but I'm trying my best by thank you again I hope all of you have a good day, bye-bye cuties..❤️🙃!!!

Word count:2017

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