Chapter two

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We were all sitting in the living room Carter and Grace were on the couch and I was sitting in the black leather chair. "Okay since I admit, I really didn't trust you when I first got here, I kind of didn't want to hear anything you said." I admitted.

"So does that mean you trust me now?" Carter asked. I waited a second thinking of my reply.

"I trust you more than I did when I first met you." Not really by anything he's done but by the fact that I was stuck with him. Carter shouldn't even be able to have entered the house when it moved into my name, but what ever Peter did that bound him to the house rewrote the very black magic that kept a vampire out of a house uninvited, or could that be his Nefa ability? But either way, I was stuck with him.

"I want to know what you know." I began again. "You said you infiltrated the Vamps in the town, so you know who those Vamps are correct?"

"I know a couple of them, but most of them are either dead or moved to some other nest out of fear." He replied. That made sense, when a hunter is killed by Vamps his friends come and seek vengeance. Since Peter was a big name for hunters that meant sooner or later the story of his death will make it to some hunters, and when that happens no Vamp is safe. I glanced over to Carter, not even a friendly Vamp.

"Start with the ones that are still in town." I replied. I noticed Grace had a pencil and pad out. She was going to make a list. I guess that would work. It'll help me keep track of my kills.

"Well we have the Chief , Connor Weeden, there's the fire chief, Michael Dean, the principle, John Frobisher, two teachers, Sheila Devereux and Bill Tanner, and finally the mayor's wife, Ashley Denner."

Mayor's wife, she smart, I didn't really look into the wife much when I was searching. Usually Vamps liked to be in charge, but when I thought of it now it was a perfect cover. She could be influencing her husband and at the same time using him as a shield against other vampires that wanted into her house.

"There are a few I know." Grace chimed in. Carter and I both looked at her. This girl was really full of surprises. "What? You seem to forget that my parents are experts when it comes to vampires. There are three people at your school that are vampires, Tyler Jacobs and Amelia Whitehall."

"How did I miss them?" Carter asked himself.

But of course Grace answered. "I'm amazed as well. Tyler always wears sunglasses and Amelia is constantly telling people to do and they do it."

Carter didn't reply, and I don't blame him. If I staked every person that I suspected of being a Vamp that wore sunglasses there would be a pile a mile high. "And you know for sure these two are Vamps?" I asked her.

She gave me a look as if I had just questioned her intelligence. "Yes, I know they're vampires."

"How?" Carter asked. I'm glad I wasn't the only one that was doubting her intel.

She gave him the death stare. "I saw both of them feeding, and..." She pulled out her phone and set it on the table in front of her. "I got a picture." I leaned over and saw the image of two teenagers squished in between a third that almost looked unconscious. She pressed her fingers on the screen and zoomed in on the image. The faces of the two teenagers on the outside had blood dripping down thierethitherizer chins.

"Sorry for doubting you." Carter said, as he studied the picture more intensely.

Ok, enough of the list it was time to get down to business. "You two get me pictures for each of the names on the list." I got up and began to walk up stairs.

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