Henriam fluff

47 3 1

Henry: *sleeping on Liam's shoulder*

Liam: Heh, sleep well. *moves Henry's head to his lap*

Drew: Liam, have you seen my- Oh. Did I interrupt something?

Liam: No. Just be quiet, he's asleep.

Drew: Well, have you seen my Gacha Switch?

Liam: No.

Drew: Okay then, I'll leave.

A bit later

Henry: *yawns* *gets up* Hi Liam.

Liam: Morning, lettuce boy.

Henry: *gasps* How dare you! Just because I like lettuce!

Liam: *laughs* Anyways..wanna go get ice cream?

Henry: YESS!!

They went out to get ice cream. The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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