02 - Those godly features

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" Hmm? " Jisung hummed mouth still devouring the cheesecake in his mouth.
The man chuckled, motioning him to clean the corner of his lips.

Jisung tilted his head in confusion. The man smiled again and asked " May I? " Stretching his hand.

Jisung froze when he felt the handsome man touching the corner of his lips.

" I assume you like cheesecake? " The man questioned licking the finger with which he touched Jisung's lips.

" U-Uh yeah. " Jisung stuttered because damn that was smooth and hot.

" Jisung, let's go. "
Jisung heard his fiance calling and excused himself unwillingly.

He pouted when he realized that he didn't ask the name of that handsome man. The whole night went away with him wishing to meet that guy again.

The next day

" Good morning, Mr han. "
The servant greeted Jisung when he entered the dining area.

He replied with a smile and sat on the table. The servant immediately served him food and poured him a glass of mango juice.

" Please inform Hannah that I'm going to the library today. " Jisung said to the servant, to which she nodded.

Hannah bang was his personal secretary. Why he needed a secretary you may ask? Well he was the next CEO of Han enterprises. But even Jisung knows that the secretary was only appointed to stalk the activities Jisung did when his 'beloved' fiance wasn't around to keep an eye himself.

But Jisung was lucky because Hannah was a pure soul and best friend of Jisung. She would never snitch on him.

After eating his breakfast Jisung went to his room, changing into some comfortable clothes. Even though he was only allowed to wear high-end and fashionable clothes outside because he had an 'image' to maintain, he preferred to wear comfortable clothes when going to his favorite place, the library, which was owned by none other than Mr. Bang Christopher Chan. He was Hannah's older brother that's how Jisung was allowed to go to a library without worrying about paparazzi following him around.

Chan wasn't much older than Jisung hence he was also close to him. Jisung had only few people he could go to when things were hard and one of them was Chan. He was glad of Hannah to let him meet Chan.

Jisung boarded his expensive BMW and asked the driver to drive him to the library.

" Hey Chan! " Jisung greeted as soon as he entered and saw chan standing at the counter.

Chan smiled and greeted back.
" You're back again. And you're lucky because we recently got a bunch of new books. "

" Oh that's great! " Jisung said excited to read new books.

" Now go ahead, I'll bring you your favorite drink. " Chan said, ruffling his hair and leaving to prepare his order.

This library wasn't a usual one, this was a library+cafe. Here you could grab a book and a table, order any drink you want while reading books endlessly.

This was a dream come true for Jisung. When Chan bought this place, it was a library. But because not many people liked to read books nowadays as they preferred reading online books from an app known as watt.. something (Jisung doesn't need to know), the library was closed and sold to Mr bang who gifted it to Chan because he wanted Chan to do something rather than writing songs all day long.

Chan wanted to convert it into a cafe completely but Jisung loved the books hence he convinced him to make a library-cafe instead.

Jisung took seat at the corner table near the window. This was his usual place because he loved the sunlight peeking from the windows and falling on the book he would be reading. That was his aesthetic.

" Here's your favorite boba tea. " Chan said and placed the cup along with a plate of cheesecake.

" Since when did you start keeping cheesecake? "
Jisung asked surprised.

" Since a little bird told me that a certain squirrel likes it. "
Chan said smiling at him. Jisung smiled widely and took a bite out of it. And he literally moaned.

Unlucky Chan had a hard time containing his emotions but luckily someone entered the shop at that exact time.

" Ya Lee Minho! "
Bang Chan exclaimed and went to hug the person who just arrived.
Jisungs heart skipped a beat when he saw the person flaunting his original visual.

Lee minho
Lee minho
Lee minho

Jisung chanted the name in his mind trying to get familiar with it. He loved the way their eyes met and the spark of recognition that appeared in Minho's eyes.

" What are you doing here? " Chan exclaimed in English as he hugged Minho. Minho smiled back and returned the hug. ( rl minho would nvr)

" I was bored. "

Chan chuckled. " When did you come here? And why didn't you tell me? "

" I came maybe a week ago? "

" A week ago and you came to meet me now? " Chan said looking at him disappointedly.

" I didn't know you owned a library cafe here. " Minho rebutted eyeing Jisung who was sitting at the corner curious to know what these two people were talking in English.

Chan saw the subtle glance and said in Korean, " Oh Jisung, this is lee Minho, my best friend from Australia. "

" And Minho this is Han Jisung. " Chan introduced them both.

" Han Jisung huh. " Minho said smirking. Jisung blushed and smiled awkwardly.

" You live in Australia? " Jisung asked curiously as he tried hard not to break under the intense gaze of Minho.

" I went there to study. " Minho replied taking a seat in front of Jisung. At that moment more customer entered the shop so Chan had to go attend them.

" How did you and Chan meet? "

" We were in the same college before he came here. What about you? "

" When Chan first came here, he wanted to open a cafe but he didn't know much about korea, so I helped him settle here. "

" I see you love cheesecake. " Minho stated the obvious eyeing the half eaten cake on his plate. Jisung nodded happily.

" But you eat like a baby. " Minho said chuckling and stretching his hand again wiping the corner of Jisung's lips, again.

Jisung widened his eyes when he felt the familiar tingle near his lips. His cheeks were red but he enjoyed it when he should not because he was an engaged man.


Word count - 1083
I wish book-cafe existed near me. U'll find my skeleton buried deep within bcuz I wld nvr leave.

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