Janet, 1997, February 13th

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As usual, Janet is shining bright and looks as delegant as ever, her hair swiftly moves back and forth in her high ponytail. She laughs with her friends and looks over at me, her lab partner, she waves and smiles then talk with her friends so more, I close my locker and go the opposite direction. As I pass her, I can smell the sweetness of strawberries, makes me wanna puke honestly. Who'd want to smell like strawberries 24/7? I roll my eyes and go to my next period.

As I sit down and get my things ready for the project, Janet walks in with her boyfriend, I suspect that I'm doing this project by myself... again. As class starts she's sitting with her boyfriend not taking her eyes off him. This starts to get annoying at first, she whispers, laughs, and then she starts sucking faces with him. Again, I roll my eyes and write in my book,

1. Elizabeth Godwin
2. Julie Franchester
3. Alexandria Roberts
4. Janet Foster

She's the 4th one and it's going to be amazing! I have everything planned out, I know where she's going to be, what she's going to be doing, and what she's going to be wearing, nothing can mess this up, nothing.

The bell rings, dismissing us for lunch. I pack my things and starting heading for the door. Janet blocks my way,

"Ollie," She looks at me with pleading eyes, "do you think you can do this project for me again? Something BIG came up!"

I looked at her, then looked at the door and continued walking. She grabs my wrist,

"What the fuck Ollie, I was talking to you."

I looked down at her and smiled, "No." And I walk away. The farthest I got was to the hallway. Her boyfriend grabbed me by the neck and slammed me down on the floor, I don't do anything except get back up and dust myself off.

He grabs me by the neck and slams me into the wall. "Listen pip squeak, you're going to do my girls work, got that?" I lock eyes with him and he let's go.

"Again, no, why should I do her work when she can obviously do it herself. But no, she can't, because she's to busy sucking your fucking face off." I punch straight across the face to which made him hug the floor. We were crowded by then.

I walk away as quickly as possible. Janet screams my name and I just stick up the middle finger at her. She's just like the other three... annoying and going to be hard to kill. Hope she's at least worthy enough for Lucifer tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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