Chapter 2- Stomach Pains

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~Socks POV~

All throughout our Media class, I couldnt stop looking at Memes adorable face especially the face he makes when hes concentrated, hed been writing the notes down for our next assignment, while I was sitting here just looking at him and admiring his handsome looks and besides, hell lend me his notes later is I ask. All day I'd been having small stomach pains but suddenly I got a really bad one,

Socks Meme whispered to me as I had my head on the desk now feeling really sick, I should not have eaten those cafeteria chips, they were shit anyway.

Mmm I mumble, turning my head to look at him as I clench my stomach

Are you ok? You look a little pale, do you need me to take you to Margret? he asks concerned, I wasnt sure, but I mumbled a yes please, oh and by the way, Margret is our school nurse

~Meme POV~

Poor Socks, he looked like he felt like he might vomit, so I raise my hand so I can ask our teacher if I can take him to the nurse.

Mrs Prune I ask and she turns and walks over

Yes Meme? whats up? she asks, shes my favourite teacher because shes so nice and chill about everything

Can I take Socks to Nurse Margret, hes feeling sick I explain, she looks at socks who still had his head on the desk and was clutching his stomach

Oh yes of course, Ill write you both an out-of-class note she says and walks over to her desk, then minutes later she comes back and hands me the note, then I stand up and help Socks up too.

As we slowly walk down the hallway towards the nurses office, I decide to ask Socks whats wrong

Socks, what happened, you were fine before? I ask as he continues to walk and clutch his stomach

I feel like vomiting because of the schools shitty chips. I've been having small stomach pains all day but I should be fine he replies as he continues to walk when suddenly he trips and almost hits the ground, but I quickly catch him before he could hit the ground. He then looks up at me and apologises then gets up again.

You have nothing to apologise for I say as we reach Margrets office

Oh, hey boys, whats wrong? Margret asks as Socks lays down onto one of the beds and I sit in the chair next to him,

Socks is feeling sick in his stomach, and he said he feels like he might throw up I tell Margret as Socks lays on his side, with his eyes shut and still clutching his stomach

I see, Ill take care of him and call his parents, you run along back to class ok Meme, thanks for walking him down she says as I stand up and leave after taking one last looks at Socks before I walk out the office door and walk back to class.


*Ring Ring Ring*

The last bell of the day had rung as I walk out of my science class, which was my last class of the day. In that class I had the briish duo, Laff and Joocie; and after class me and the boys had organised to hang out, sadly Ally couldnt come because she was going to her cousins birthday but the rest of us were going to hang out at the park near Nad and Is house.

Laff, Joocie and I waited outside the school for Nadwe, Woolf, Dino, Blaza and Tbh to show up and when they did, we left for the park.

Yo wait wheres Socks? Blaza suddenly asks looking at me while everyone looks around as we continue to walk,

He went home early during our Media class because he felt really sick in the stomach, he said he felt like throwing up I explain, and everyone looks shocked

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