Chapter 2

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Alcina's POV

By the time Alcina returned the next morning it had stopped raining but the castle grounds had large puddles of water scattered everywhere.

Stepping into the foyer, she took off her coat handing it to a maid and made her way towards her daughters and your wing of the castle. She had missed them and you, though she wouldn't say it out loud just yet, dearly while she was away and she was anxious to see her girls, knowing of their fear of storms.

Her long stride got her there quickly and she headed to Belas room first. When she realized the room was empty she thought nothing of it and moved on to Cassandras room next knowing her girls had sleepovers more often than not.

When she found her room empty as well she started to worry a little but brushed it off and walked to Danielas room because surely they were there.

They weren't there.

Worry getting the better of her the countess hurried towards your bedroom, hoping that you knew where they were, and opened the door ducking down to enter but when she straightened what she saw froze her in her spot.


You had woken up early as always, you're internal clock not letting you sleep in, but with the girls still on top of you, you couldn't really get up to start your day.

That was alright with you. You'd give them the world if they asked and if a cuddle fest slash dogpile was what they wanted you'd stay here forever.

Might as well try to sleep. You thought.

A few minutes passed and you started to fall back asleep when you heard it. The clicking of your Lady's heels. She home! Three different doors opening and closing and finally the hurried clicking stopped at your door.

Feigning sleep you quickly turned your head away from the door and towards Belas head, hiding half your face in her blonde hair as the door opened.

You hear her enter and then freeze. You briefly wonder if she's alright until you feel a hand brush a loc of hair out of your face and behind your ear. Your heart almost burst from your chest. She must've heard it because she pulls her hand back and speaks.

"Good morning y/n" she whispers softly. She's so close you can feel her breath on your face.

You slowly open your eyes, and meet her bright golden ones. She's staring at you with the softest expression you've ever seen her have. A small smile on her beautiful red lips.

"Good morning my lady" you say back, as quietly as you can in order not to wake the girls. Giving them a quick glance, you can see that little Dani is drooling with her mouth wide open, Bela's hair is covering half her face, and Cassandra has a mixture of both her sisters actions with a quiet snore added into the mix. You smile toothily at their sweet faces and look back up at your lady.

Her smile has grown larger after seeing you react to her daughters, and she takes a step back from the bed and starts to remove her large black hat, gloves, and her shoes.

"My lady, what are you" you whisper quickly, but before you can finish she's moving the covers back and sliding her arm around your back and under you and the girls. She slips onto the bed closer to you and her daughters, before scooping the four of you into her front and holds you all close.

"Alcina, draga mea. My name is Alcina."

"Alcina." You say back to her, testing her name on your tongue.

She smiling fully now, and the rumbling sound coming from her shocks you. Just like when Bela started purring last night, Alcina was purring and it started a chain reaction. All of the daughters one by one started their own unconscious purring, and Alcina pulls you closer, her deep rumble growing louder.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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