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it's a gloomy day and london looks the same as always. the grass is damp with the morning rain.

harry collects his things before opening the door of his small townhouse. the garden is thriving and he jumps from stepping stone to stepping stone all the way to his gate which creaks.

he walks with his bag slung over his shoulder and his head toward the ground. as he walked into the office the receptionist waved at him but there was no smile on either of their faces as he waved back.

he stepped into the very busy elevator and was crowded by others trying to squish in. he sighed and looked around. everyone wore a monotonous facial expression and were missing a smile.

if louis were here he would laugh at their vacant stares.

harry had to stop himself from falling down the rabbit hole. louis would be home soon and harry wouldnt miss him so much anymore. just a little bit longer.

when the elevator opened and people pushed past him harry felt sad. he missed his louis.

the day was boring to say the least, when harry wanted a drink he had gone to the tap but one of his coworkers was there. they had taken at least ten drinks and prevented harry from getting any.

the printer had also been out of paper and when harry had gotten some and come back the printer was out of toner.

his day had been tiring. he had 30 minutes left before he could leave and go home. He had finished his work for the day he opened his phone and started watching videos that louis had made for harry to watch when he missed louis a little extra. In the video he was watching it showed harry and louis cooking.

"Harry, how do i do this? The dough is stuck to my hands and i cant get it off!" louis exclaimed, his hands covered in dough while harry effortlessly rolled out another pretzel. Harry looked over at what louis was doing.

"Oh lou, your supposed to put flour on your hands before you roll out the dough." harry had a fond smile on his face and he giggled at how cute louis looked when he was annoyed.

As harry tried to help him get the dough off his hands, louis grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at harry. Harry stood there in shock with flour all across his face.

"you little minx!" harry laughed grabbing some leftover batter they had from their cake (which was in the oven) and throwing it at louis. chaos ensued after that.

by the time the clip ended you could see harry and louis covered in sugar and flour while louis licked chocolate off of harry's cheek.

harry looked at the time. two minutes till the end of his day. surely his boss won't be angry if he leaves a little earlier than normal.

collecting his things and rushing to the elevator harry's smile grew in anticipation of what was going to happen in just an hour. in the elevator it was just him and a janitor. harry holds his jacket in his arms and sighs. not the same as that very morning. this sigh was a happy sigh.

soon he'd be with his louis. and he couldn't wait. when the elevator reached the ground. harry waved to the janitor and left.

practically floating down the hall he passed by liam who also worked in the building. liam knew how special today was. so when he smiled and gave harry a high five, harry laughed with joy, skipping out of the building.

harry waited at the bus stop for his bus to arrive and watched another video. this one had liam, zayn and niall in it as well

"can we please watch the notebook lou?" harry begged louis. harry's head was in louis lap and his legs were on top of nialls lap.

harry was completely comfortable with his boyfriend and three best friends around him.

"but haz, everytime we watch it, you cry and i don't like to see you sad," louis said pecking harry on the nose.

zayn snatched the remote off of louis and put on a random movie. "hey!" louis yelled.

"you go to soft for him, and none of us want to watch the notebook. sometimes i regret pushing you to 'go get your princess'" zayn said snuggling up with liam on the other couch.

louis' eyebrows were down in a frown. harry pulled his face down and kissed him. "it's alright baby."

the bus pulled up in front of harry just as the video finished. harry climbed on the bus and sat down, playing another video. in the video it was the day louis had left to enter the army.

"i'm going to miss you," harry said, he wasn't crying yet but he could tell that in a few short minutes he would be. louis touched his cheek gently.

"don't worry love, it's only five months." louis whispered. harry let out a choked sob. louis embraced him as harry cried into his shoulder.

"i love you" harry said

"i love you" louis said



the video ended with louis getting in his car and driving off as harry waved goodbye.

harry smiled. he only hoped that louis would love him the same after all this time apart.

the bus stopped at the airport. harry basically jumped down the steps and ran towards the exit of the airport.

through the glass doors harry could see louis push them open and smile as he saw harry. harry dropped his things and ran into louis arms. wrapping is legs around louis and smiling from ear to ear.

"i love you," louis whispered into harry's hair.


louis playfully through for a moment. harry lightly smacked him in the cheek.


their faces got closer and the inevitable happened.

they kissed.

yes i did just end the epilogue the same way as the other book. i'm genius is all i can say.

i hoped you liked this story. and if you want me to write any more just give me a music video or a song and a story and i'll try write it for you.

see you later
- A

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