The holy issue here

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A/N Hey guys! This one's short, I know, but next chapter will be longer I swear! I just have a small question for you. How many dicks does Flanders have? I know I sound insane but in every fanfic I read for reference there was bad grammar an orgy with every adult male in the show and Flanders had two dicks and unfortunately if canon one of those I cannot change and I can't finish the next chapter without knowing :/ I appreciate it!


Ned Flanders was working late at night on papers for the leftorium. However. there was certainly something else on his mind.. Or -though he'd refuse to admit it- someone else.

"Diddly.. I need to stop thinking of Homer in such a way, he's married. The good Lord won't permit it." 

He shook his head and began working on ideas for new products, having finished the papers.

"Now, let's see.. left handed camera, left handed butter knives.."

He immediately had a few other left-handed ideas that he liked a little more. Unfortunately, the Lord would not. He slapped himself to try to shake away the thoughts.

It wasn't even as if it would work out with him and Homer either, which was the whole issue. Homer was extremely verbally abusive to him and would often pray upon Ned's downfall. And besides, they were both men! Thinking such things were a one way ticket to damnation. However, Ned just couldn't shake the feelings he had for him. He had a pretty hot dad bod, and he could be pretty strong when he wanted to be.

Suddenly fantasies of being pinned against the wall by Homer began to fill Ned's mind, tantalizing him. Unbeknownst to him, he lipped his licks.

After a few minutes of the fantasies getting more and more graphic, he finally decided to head to bed, hoping that he could clear his head. However, when he knelt down for prayer he realized that he wouldn't mind getting on his knees for a man who wasn't Jesus...

Ugh! Why was he thinking like this? Ned quickly got in bed, neglecting his prayer for the night. He then fell asleep, having graphically intense and vivid dreams about Homer.

The next morning, he woke up alone again. Unfortunately, he had missed his alarm, meaning that he did not awake in time to help his children off to school or to open his store on time. He sighed as he got up, groaning due to his sore back.

He got dressed for the day and started off to the leftorium.


"This can't happen again" an angsty Homer Simpson x Ned Flanders storyWhere stories live. Discover now