Chapter 1

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A dragon's scream tore through Tidalsong City as I tried to combat the panic inside me. I dashed across the rooftops as quickly as I could, brittle shingles shattering beneath my feet as I ran. I risked a glance over my shoulder, finding the dragon's eyes fixed on me as it bared its ivory fangs. The ground rumbled as its outspread wings leveled any buildings within reach, and I turned my attention back to where I was heading. My eyes focused on the gap between the rooftop I was on and the next one.

I can make it! My breath hitched in my throat as I jumped, my feet leaving the rooftop's edge as an enormous, ruby-scaled tail slammed into it. My right foot hit the next rooftop as the building I had been on before crumbled from the impact. A shooting pain rushed up my leg, and I fell onto my side. My leg scraped against the roof's shingles, ripping my pants and cutting my outer thigh, but that wasn't the worst part. At that moment, the blade that was strapped to my back escaped from its sheath and skidded away from me. I lurched toward it, but it was too late. It tipped off the edge and plummeted, the worn metal clattering when it hit the ground below. I pushed myself back up, turned around, and watched dreadfully as the beast approached me.

The whole dragon was covered in crimson scales, which reflected a ruby color in the sunlight, and jagged fangs emerged from its mouth as it let out another roar. Its eyes were entirely enveloped in a black that resembled ink, so its glare appeared to hold no soul. I had no idea how it had gotten to Tidalsong City, but then again, I didn't know where it came from to begin with. My entire body was rendered paralyzed in its empty glare. Everything seemed to stand still for that instant except for the pounding of my heartbeat and the light breeze carrying debris throughout the area. My mouth grew dry as I pulled a knife from my belt and gripped it tightly, holding it out in front of me as my whole body trembled. I knew that there was no way it would save me, but there was someone who could.

"Vixia!" I screamed. A blur darted past me as I called out her name and she scurried across the rooftop. Sunlight reflected off the orb that topped her staff as she continued on, running almost as if she were weightless. She fearlessly leaped from the ledge and flipped midair as she unleashed some sort of spell, surrounding herself in light. Then the light broke apart in dagger-like fragments and scattered before they shot away from her in a flurry. I barely caught a glimpse of her silvery hair and matching wolf ears as she fell. She kicked off the monster's stomach and sprung into a backflip, disappearing from sight just before her ethereal blades darted forward and sunk into the dragon's skin. It let out an ear-piercing shriek and recoiled from the pain.

This was when I found my courage again. With shaky hands, I stood up and drew a dagger from the sheath on my thigh. I rushed forward and surged from the roof's edge, screaming in fear and anger as I jabbed my weapon into the dragon's flesh. The blade embedded itself between the dragon's scales before I let go. I was falling to the ground when I heard Vixia's voice screaming my name.


I honestly expected to smack the ground. I knew I was supposed to relax, but my body tensed in anticipation instead. I squeezed my eyes shut, figuring this was it for me, but the impact never came. I opened my eyes again, realizing that I was slowly drifting down toward the ground, much like a leaf on the breeze, instead of free-falling. I looked over to see Vixia with her hand outstretched toward me, her brows furrowed like she was concentrating on me.

"Get out of here!" she shouted. I nodded, and as soon as my feet met the ground, I began running toward the plaza's edge. When I was a safe distance away, I turned around to watch as Vixia proceeded over to the dragon. She held her staff out in front of her with both hands and began shouting the lines of an incantation.

Trial by fire, burning with ease

Scorching flames of a thousand degrees

Zelora, I request that you ignite this power in me

The Rise of The Dragon QueenWhere stories live. Discover now