I followed his vehicle with my eyes before he was out of sight and then walked over to Cassian's window which was already rolled down.

"I have to say, I'm surprised at how threatening you make your promises sound. I really didn't think you had it in you, but I think it makes you more intriguing." He grinned, holding a hand on top of his steering wheel.

I smirked and shrugged while looking away from him, "It should have never come to this but it did, so I thank you for your help. Hopefully, I won't have to ask you for anything else, but if you ever need a favor I'm here to owe it to you." I dipped my head.

He waved me off and chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind. Have a good rest of your night, Miller. Don't go getting into trouble while I'm not with you, alright?" He smirked, sending me a wink as I backed away and stood straight.

"Will do, Snow. See you soon." I blew him a kiss before walking toward my jeep.

I opened the door and saw Rafe in the passenger seat with a curious expression adorning his face. I hopped in and backed out of the place, seeming like everything was fine.

"I need a drink." I huffed and looked straight forward, avoiding their gazes.

Laughter burst from Topper and Rafe twisted to see why he was laughing. I looked in the rearview mirror to see him holding the sides of his head with his hands. "I think I've finally lost it!" He said with his eyes wide.

"What I want to know is how did you get us out? And without our parents finding out, that's for sure." Topper sighed.

"It wasn't a big deal, I just talked with him, that's all." I shrugged, deciding not to tell them what I had to do to get them out.

"Why was Snow with you? Did he help you out?" Rafe asked, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, he did. I couldn't do it by myself so I called him. If it wasn't for him then you two would've still been in there, so I don't want to hear it, alright." I sighed.

"Fine." He answered, turning his head to look out of the window for the rest of the ride. Topper stayed silent until we got to the Cameron house. "Thank you, Lane. For whatever measures you had to go to to get us out, thank you, seriously."

I smiled and nodded, hugging him once we got out of my jeep. "I'll do anything for my boys, you hear me?" I asked and held his face in my hands.

He nodded and glanced behind me once we heard Sarah run out of the house, gasping when she saw the two of them. She wrapped her arms around Rafe first before flying into Topper's arms.

The two of them walked inside the house while me and Rafe stood standing opposite of each other. He looked exhausted as he stared down at me, "What did you do, honestly Lane, I can't afford you going to jail for getting us out."

"Rafe, hun, I did what I had to do. I wasn't going to let you two sit there and get in trouble with your parents while I could've done something, so I did. If I knew it wasn't safe, I wouldn't have done what I did. Everybody is okay, alright? Everything can go back to normal now." I sighed while I wrapped my arms around his neck, digging my face into his shoulder while standing on my tippy toes.

His arms wrapped around my waist and he held me for a few minutes, "Thank you." He whispered and kissed my forehead.

"Like I told Topper, there's no boundaries I won't go to for my boys, whether it gets me in trouble or not. I'm always going to have your guys' backs, no matter what." I smiled and held his face in my hands, caressing his cheeks with my thumbs.

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